Dr Hilary explains how coronavirus spreads through large crowds as Liverpool fans celebrate Premier League victory

Dr Hilary helped to explain to Good Morning Britain viewers how coronavirus spreads through large crowds as Liverpool fans broke social distancing rules to celebrate their first Premier League victory in 30 years.

Anfield supporters were seen in large numbers celebrating the win, but Dr Hilary told Ben Shephard and Charlotte Hawkins that even though he could understand fans’ urge to break lockdown and celebrate, it was very dangerous.

The nation’s GP then talked viewers through how the virus spreads through a crowd, using helpful visual indicators of flares in the air, and the wind blowing the smoke through the crowd.

‘Think of the virus as spreading in the air, look at that flare,’ Hilary said. ‘When we’re thinking of social distancing, we’re thinking of an enclosed space where there’s no wind. Here you can see what the wind does.

‘If you can see the wind there, you can see how the virus travels in a crowd when there’s no social distancing.’

He continued: ‘We’ve got to forget the concrete thinking of this and stay wary of a virus that can transmit very easily between large numbers of people very quickly.’

Liverpool supporters with replica Premier League and Champions League trophies as they celebrate outside of Anfield Stadium in Liverpool, England, Thursday, June 25, 2020 after Liverpool clinched the English Premier League title. Liverpool took the title after Manchester City failed to beat Chelsea on Wednesday evening. (AP photo/Jon Super)
Crowds were out to celebrate the victory (Picture: AP)

The GMB star, however, stressed that he could understand the reaction of Liverpool supporters, much more than the people who flocked to beaches on Britain’s south coast yesterday in the heat wave.

‘I hate to be a killjoy, I can understand this reaction much more than the behaviour on beaches, where half a million people went to Dorset yesterday,’ he said.

‘They’re thinking of having to close the beaches because of a few people’s ill-discipline.’

Dr Hilary admitted that it’s ‘very hard to be disciplined when you win after 30 years, but the virus doesn’t recognise any of that.’

Good Morning Britain airs weekdays from 6am on ITV.

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