The main difference between fishing without a pole and fishing with a pole is that one of them allows you to stand further back from the edge of the water – and this clip shows exactly why that matters.
We’re not sure whether the fish is the catch of the day – or the idiot on the other end of the line.
Did that man just get his ass kicked by a fish?
Look at the fucking size of those fish. Why on earth did he think hand jigging was the way to go?
Handlining is popular with indigenous tribes and some people are still good at it.
This man is not some people.
How to get a free ride in the ocean.
u/Wardencliff-Tower correctly identified the name of the sport.
Full contact fishing.
This live TV fishing segment went horribly wrong and you’ll have to watch between your fingers
Source r/WhatCouldGoWrong Image Screengrab
The post What could go wrong fishing without a pole? appeared first on The Poke.
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