Just when you think this video can’t get any better, it does (and do keep watching until the end).
‘Got assaulted by a bin lid,’ said TobeTrain over on the corner of Reddit called ‘CasualUK’.
So many questions. Here’s what people made of it over on Reddit.
‘Fastest Police response in history!’
crestj‘The fact the video is sped up makes it even funnier.’
Sniper_Guz‘That is proper funny, it cracked me up. That bin seemed so full of purpose stopping in front of that car, like it a known offender, the way the Police pulled up so quickly.
‘Then that cheeky little slap it gave you as it was being wheeled away in shame..
hope your noggin is ok.’
No_more_hiding‘Man, budget cuts have hit the BBC hard. Can’t even get a proper dalek …’
And finally, over to the people who suggested this.
‘Old-timey piano music and a black-and-white filter would fit right in.’
Cageweek‘And a DOINK noise when he gets the lid interface.’
And thanks to AllOfTheEffinOwl, you can watch it here!
This cat squeezing itself into a fish bowl is just the 10 seconds of content we needed today
Source Reddit u/TobeTrain
The post The video of this random bin attack just gets better and better appeared first on The Poke.
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