Teacher, 47, can’t use her legs or hands after falling 20ft off balcony

British teacher Jill Dodds has lost the use of her legs and hands after a fall in Thailand
British teacher Jill Dodds has lost the use of her legs and hands after a fall in Thailand (Picture: NCJ / Gofundme)

A British teacher has been left unable to use her hands or legs after falling 20 feet off a balcony while working in Thailand.

Jill Dodds, 47, was at an end-of-term party when she lent on a fence which gave way while taking a picture with a friend.

She suffered serious spinal injuries and a crushed vertebrae, leaving her with no movement in her legs and no use of her hands and fingers/

Her family is appealing for help to get her back to Morpeth, Northumberland, as she needs full-time care while she recovers.

They are aiming to raise enough money to fly her back to the north east as soon as she’s fit to travel.

Jill – who has lived in Thailand for six years – suffered the injuries just before Christmas on December 18. Another person who also fell suffered a broken collar bone.

Jill’s sister, Katie Breeze, 39, said she felt ‘numb’ after hearing the news, with the situation being made more difficult by Jill being so far away.

She said: ‘I felt really numb at first, it was just unbelievable. We just feel helpless at the moment. We’ve been talking to Jill as much as we can but it’s hard being this far away.’

Jill Dodds sustained serious spinal injuries after she fell 20ft from a balcony
Jill had lived in Thailand for six years before the accident (Picture: ncjMedia Ltd)

Explaining what happened, Katie said: ‘It was an end-of-term party through the day, and at about 2pm they were taking pictures.

‘As they lent on the fence, the fence gave way, another person fell and broke her collar bone and Jill was seriously hurt. She fell about 20 feet down damaging two of her vertebrae. One was crushed and one was fractured.

‘She has no mobility from the waist down, no feeling in her legs, she can’t use her hands, she can’t move her wrists.

‘She can’t hold anything, she has to be spoon-fed and she needs a straw to drink but she can talk and move her head.’

Jill Dodds with her mam, sister Katie, sister Nicola and Katie's youngest daughter Isla at Christmas 2019
Jill with her mum, sister Katie, sister Nicola and Katie’s youngest daughter Isla at Christmas 2019 (Picture: ncjMedia Ltd)

Katie said Jill’s health insurance covered a trip in the ambulance and her stay in ICU at a private hospital. But her coverage has now been used up and she has been moved to a government hospital.

She said: ‘At the moment she is in a Thai government hospital, she’s been there about a week.

‘She had an operation where metal rods were inserted to take some of the pressure off her nerves.

‘They don’t know about long-term damage at the moment. We were initially told it would take two years before she would be walking again but we just don’t know.’

British teacher loses use of legs and hands after fall in Thailand https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-get-jill-home-for-care-rehab Credit gofundme
Jill was brought a Christmas dinner by friends in hospital after spending the festive period on the wards

Jill’s friends and work colleagues have rallied around the popular teacher, visiting her in hospital and even looking after her two dogs as well as keeping loved ones back home informed.

Katie said: ‘We’re in contact with her friends over there and people she works with who have been great. They are trying to explain everything to us as we don’t know what kind of care she’s getting, we want to get her home as soon as she’s able to travel.

‘We were told after her operation she would need to be in hospital for at least two weeks and it would be six weeks until she would be fit to travel.’

Jill’s friends even brought her a Christmas dinner to help boost morale.

Katie said: ‘She’s pretty down, she’s lucky she has a lot of people around her doing what they can to help her.

‘When she doesn’t have her friends, she’s on her own for hours not able to do anything for herself which is really getting her down. A couple of her friends also brought her a Christmas dinner which was lovely.’

Katie added: ‘She was putting things in place to move back home but because of Covid, it kept getting put back. We hoped she was going to be home for Easter.’

A friend of the family, Leigh Hawkes, set up a Go Fund Me page on behalf of Jill’s sisters Katie and Nicola with the money raised going towards hospital bills and getting Jill home.

Katie said the family is ‘overwhelmed’ by the support they have received so far with more than £10,000 already raised in just a few days.

She said: ‘The fundraising page really took off from Facebook because people were sharing it, we’re just overwhelmed with the response we’ve had.

‘It’s been really surprising how many people have helped us even people we don’t know and all the messages we’ve had. Everything helps.

‘It’s all girls in our family. Our mum had three girls me, Jill, and our other sister Nicola who has two girls, and I also have two girls so Jill has four nieces. We’re all really close.

‘We’re just taking every day as it comes.’

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