How to ditch your multitasking habit and actually get more done

multitasking woman
Think you’re a brilliant multitasker? You’re almost definitely not (Picture: Getty/

Multitasking has long been held up as an ideal of productivity.

Some of us lament that we struggle to get multiple things done at the same time, bashing our brains for not being able to achieve focus.

But there’s just one problem with this pursuit of upping our multitasking ability: multitasking doesn’t actually work.

The truth is that people who think they’re brilliant multitaskers are pretty rubbish at getting stuff done.

Attempting to multitask is the enemy of deep focus and getting into ‘flow state’, and more often than not leaves us doing multiple things poorly rather than smashing one task out of the park.

Our trials in multitasking are making us less productive – not more, as we’d hoped – and might even be bad for our minds.

So we need to break out of this multitasking habit, stop seeing it as the best approach, and find better ways to get things done.

How do we do that?

Why multitasking is bad for us

‘Research has shown that multitasking can lead to a 40% decrease in productivity and also decrease our wellbeing,’ says productivity expert Tamara Myles.

In his book, The Myth of Multitasking, Dave Crenshaw explains that multitasking tends to fall into two subcategories: ‘switchtasking’ and ‘backtasking’.

Most of what we think is multitasking is actually switchtasking – and that’s not effective.

‘Backtasking, short for “background tasking,” is doing one active task while another task that requires no attention is happening automatically or takes place in the background,’ Dave tells ‘An example would be exercising on a treadmill while watching a show.

‘But most people, when they think they’re multitasking, are actually switchtasking. This is when you try to perform multiple attention-requiring tasks at the same time, such as checking phone messages while having a conversation with a friend.

‘Because our brains aren’t designed to focus on more than one active task at a time, we’re instead rapidly switching between tasks. This is always unproductive and causes us to pay switching costs.’

The ‘switching costs’ Dave refers to are a key reason why multitasking is so rarely a good idea.

Each time we move from one task to another, it takes our brains a while to adjust and settle in. That’s fine if you’re occassionally losing ten minutes then spending an hour focusing deeply, but what’s more likely is that you’re switching between focuses so rapidly that you’re constantly in that ‘switching’ period, with no time spent actually in your groove.

That ‘switching’ state occurs every time multiple things compete for your attention. That includes watching TV while you’re trying to write, or having email notifications pop up on your screen when you’re working, or replying to Whatsapp messages in between cooking dinner.

‘The truth is, we can’t do two jobs simultaneously,’ explains Tamara. ‘Our brains can’t focus on two separate things at the same time.

‘Instead, when we think we are multitasking, our brain is actually switching rapidly between the two tasks, increasing our chance for error and our stress and anxiety levels.

‘Because of that, multitasking becomes ineffective and ultimately counterproductive.

‘In one study, it took a group of computer scientists on average 15 minutes to return to focused mental work, like computer coding, after responding to incoming messages. Over the course of the day, these lost minutes really adds up.

‘It is not surprising that our work hours keep expanding, yet we never feel caught up.’

Being in a constant in-between, switching mindset isn’t just bad news for ticking off your to-do list. Dave believes that ‘switching costs’ include increased stress, less time (as your tasks take longer to do), increased mistakes, and mental strain.

In short: switchtasking – the main type of multitasking we do – leaves us unproductive, time-drained, anxious, and overwhelmed.

office desk - hands typing on laptop surrounded by notepad, coffee, and phone
Our brains aren’t really able to focus on multiple things at the same time (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Why you’re not a good multitasker, even if you think you are

You’re probably reading this and thinking something along the lines of ‘sure, multitasking doesn’t work for some people, but I’m always getting loads of stuff done simultaneously’.

We tend to think that some people are just ‘better’ at multitasking, and that if we’re not able to accomplish things in this way, that’s some sort of personal failing.

But the reality is that multitasking, or more specifically switchtasking, doesn’t allow for anyone to perform at their absolute best level.

Tamara notes: ‘Brain scan studies reveal that if we try to perform two tasks at the same time, we only have half of our usual brainpower devoted to each task. So when we multitask, we’re only half there for each activity.

‘As a society, we have become so conditioned to react to every ping and notification that interrupts our work that I would say we are addicted to multitasking.

‘We think we are saving time by doing many things at once, but everything takes much longer and is only half as good as it could be. I have found that you can accomplish better results in 20 minutes of focused, uninterrupted work than in two hours of multitasking.’

Dave adds: ‘If someone is backtasking, they can be productive. But, if they’re like most people and are actually switchtasking, they are always paying a high cost. It’s unavoidable because it’s a matter of maths, not skill.

‘Studies have shown that those who think they are excellent multitaskers are, in fact, the worst at it. Proud multitaskers ironically tend to incur the highest amount of switching cost.

‘In my field experience, even accomplished multitaskers are doing things in the least productive way possible. A slow singletasker will always beat a fast switchtasker.’

hands with smartphones
It’s time to set some boundaries (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

How to break the multitasking habit and get more done

Okay, okay, we’re convinced: multitasking is bad. But isn’t it unavoidable, especially in our modern world of notifications and constant digital messaging? What’s the alternative? And how do we move towards that?

We asked Dave and Tamara to share their recommendations…

Accept that you’re doing yourself a disservice by trying to multitask

We know we’ve just said it, but it bears repeating, because there will still be people reading that think they’re engaging in multitasking and absolutely smashing it. You are not. It’s time to let go.

‘Realise and accept the truth that switchtasking isn’t productive,’ says Dave. ‘This includes removing the “busy” tag from your sense of self. Being busy does not make you valuable.

‘It’s what you do with the time, what you’re creating, and the relationships you build that really matter.’

Pursue flow

Flow is essentially the opposite of multitasking, when you’re focused on one thing, intensely, and you’re totally absorbed. It’s when you’re in flow state that time flies, you’re in the zone, and it feels like your mind is unblocked.

‘In order to get into a state of flow, you need to be fully focused on what you are doing, which is not possible when you are multitasking,’ says Tamara. ‘Research has shown that flow enhances our engagement, productivity, and wellbeing.’

We need to let go of glamourising multitasking and presenteeism (the idea that if you’re working long hours and always at your desk, you’re doing a great job) and instead make flow the thing to chase.

That might mean letting go of the idea that you need to spend hours at work to have been ‘good’ – sometimes an hour of flow time is far, far better than nine hours spent flitting between tasks.

Talk to people with no distractions

Imagine: you’re having a chat with someone, whether it’s a friend or someone you work with, and your phone is in your bag or pocket. You can’t even see any notifications that pop up.

Try this out to get used to the headspace of focusing on one conversation. Give people your full attention when they’re talking to you – no screens allowed.

Choose your power hour

Flow is a brilliant state to be in, but it’s perhaps not realistic to try to be in it all day long.

Instead, Tamara recommends carving out a ‘power hour’ – a ‘time of day when we are most alert and productive’ – and using this time for deep flow work.

‘Research shows that most people are most productive between 9-11am, but of course everyone is different,’ she tells us.

‘Start by noticing when you are most engaged and turn off all alerts and notifications during that time so you can focus on getting the most important work done.’

This is an easy way to break out of multitasking and see just how much better focusing on one thing can be. No matter how busy you are, you can definitely set aside one hour to give your attention to just one thing. Try it and see.

Swap switchtasking for duo-tasking/backtasking

When you first ditch switchtasking, you’re going to feel like you’re not being productive. Scratch that ‘busyness’ itch by duo-tasking, or backtasking, (they’re the same thing, just by different names) instead.

‘Duo-tasking means you start a task and put it into action while you do something else,’ Tamara explains. ‘For example, you can delegate a task to someone who completes it while you work on another project. When you duo-task, your focus is not on switching back and forth, so there is no risk involved.’

A good example of backtasking is putting your dinner in the oven and getting on with another task while it’s cooking, or listening to an audiobook while you’re out on a run.

Schedule meetings

Some meetings are pointless, so don’t go too wild, but having scheduled catchups can reduce the number of times someone pops up with a question during the day and breaks your attention.

Turn off notifications – even for a short amount of time

You can’t properly focus on one thing if you’ve got constant email previews popping up at the bottom of your laptop screen or pings from Slack every two minutes.

Set an away message, tell anyone that’s likely to interrupt that you’re going to be focusing for an hour (or even thirty minutes), and turn all notifications off. Close your other tabs, too. Eliminate any distractions that are going to take up time and mental energy.

Plan, plan, plan

At the start of each day, work out what tasks you want to get done, prioritise them according to importance and urgency, then work out how you’re going to do them.

A scattered approach is the perfect breeding ground for distracting switchtasking, because you’ll suddenly think ‘ooh, I need to do this thing, too’, and break out of your focused mindset.

‘You start by identifying – in one central location – everything you need to do and want to do,’ recommends Tamara. ‘This helps you get a firm grasp on all the demands on your time and attention.

‘Then you identify what you should do first, second, or never. You can create categories like: choose, remove, wait, delegate; or use Eisenhower’s famous Urgent/Important matrix to help you prioritise.

‘A very important step here is to actually schedule your priorities in your calendar or planner. When we schedule time to perform a task, we move from intention to commitment.’

Schedule ‘checking’ time

‘The average person checks messages ten times per hour,’ says Dave. Each check incurs a cost of several minutes, which means that the average person’s work hour is cut into small pieces increasing stress, mistakes, and lost time.

‘I encourage people to schedule a specific time to check emails and messaging platforms each day. It can be once a day or once an hour… whatever works best for your position.

‘Then, ignore it the rest of the time. Turn off notifications and give the task scheduled for that time your full attention.’

Create boundaries

Boundaries are key when you’re trying to be more focused. Those ‘away’ messages we mentioned earlier are a good place to start, along with creating the expectation that when you’re focused on one thing, you’re not going to reply to messages immediately.

Start saying ‘no’ to timesucks. Establish finish times to your tasks and to your working day as a whole. Protect your power hour and don’t let anything or anyone encroach on it.

Start to treat your focused time as something important and valuable, and ask other people to do the same.

Breaking out of a culture of multitasking and busyness is going to be tricky at first, but keep challenging these longheld ideas, prioritise what works for you, and show by example that focused time is a far better approach.

Slowly but surely, you’ll start to see your efforts pay off.

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