Games Inbox: Battlefield 2042 story campaign, Ratchet & Clank price justification, and Cyberpunk choices

Battlefield 2042 screenshot
Battlefield 2042 – did it make the right choice? (pic: EA)

The Thursday Inbox is worried about the lack of leaks and rumours for E3 2021, as one reader looks forward to the Playdate.

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A story to tell
So the Battlefield 2042 trailer looked as good as you’d expect and even though I know none of it was gameplay it still got me excited to want to play it and, more importantly for EA, buy it. I’m a little torn on the idea of no story campaign though. For me one of the main reasons to buy Call Of Duty (most) every year is that it’s such a complete package, with good value for money.

I know DICE aren’t as good at single-player but I thought the war stories in Battlefield 5 were pretty good. The last one with the German tank crew in particular was a good little story and a good way to handle playing the bad guys. Since the back story to Battlefield 2042 does actually sound quite interesting, and plausible, I think we could have stood to have a story campaign based around it.

I know EA are saying they’ll tell the story through the multiplayer, but it’s not the same. Then again, I’m aware that even a big budget game has limited resources and they’re probably best spent on the sure thing that is the multiplayer. So I can’t blame EA but I’m still not entirely happy about it either.

Take my money
Really looking forward to Ratchet & Clank, have always enjoyed the previous games – just good clean fun.
I’m absolutely prepared to pay the £70. Yes, it is a lot of money but I’m firmly in the camp that video games really need to increase in price to cover the development costs.

I know it’s going to get a lot of use, my soon to be nine-year-old has a Switch but he’s absolutely loving Astro’s Playroom at the moment. He’s amassed around 15,000 coins replaying levels.

I was going to buy Ratchet on release for myself, but I’m going to delay it and masquerade it as a birthday present for him.

On a different note, playing through Tetris Effect again after a very long break, such a great game, especially when turned up to 11.

Not even Nintendo
The Playdate console must be the most bizarre console design ever. I can’t think of any other consoles that has such a weird feature. Not even Nintendo has done anything like a crank. The black and white screen is something that you wouldn’t expect either.

With the hand crank we are now finally getting the Hurdy-Gurdy Hero game we thought would never be possible. For those that don’t know a hurdy-gurdy is a medieval mechanical string instrument operated by a hand crank, it has 80 moving parts. (Yes, I know, I need to get out more).
Alek Kazam

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Time flies
Fired up Marvel’s Spider-Man for the first time today. It’s looking amazing after all this time. I always sit on the fence regarding new console tech but this, as a late adopter of PlayStation 4, genuinely looked gorgeous. Belting job by Insomniac. Absolute appreciation to the people that worked on it.

We had Miles Morales but I don’t think we have seen the potential of PlayStation 5. Let’s hope they produce ‘that game’. This is why I’m always six years behind the current trend. I’d like to think I’m more discerning, but I’m just scared of backing the wrong horse, probably.
D Dubya

GC: All this time? It was less than three years ago.

Price rise
Just seen the trailer for Battlefield 2042 and no matter how good it looks I’ll never pay them that price. That is pure greed and having the cheek to say we want this much more to get it seven days early… they should hold their heads in shame.

Even if the game is half price a month later I’ll still be saying no, you can go and whistle. You know full well they’re going to be charging for DLC or in-game purchases or both, can’t believe it.
PS: RE: Manic minor 100. The game was Detroit: Become Human.

Mini problem
Star Parodier on the PC Engine Mini is almost worth the price of entry by itself. Great game but like a lot of shoot ’em-ups from that era, if you die in the later stages and have to fight waves of enemies with a pea shooter you’re in schtuck!

Excellent little console though, cheers to Andrew J. for the heads up.
John Atkinson

Keeping tabs
GC, you said in your response to the letter about how long it took you to complete Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart yesterday that it’s difficult to estimate, but did you know that the PlayStation 5 tracks your playtimes now?
Angry_Kurt (Twitter)
Now playing: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider (Xbox Series X) and Pokémon Sun (3DS)

GC: We did not know that, no. Although it doesn’t help now, as we did two playthroughs.

Easy decision
It’s a shame to see CD Projekt Red fall from grace and also reading all the GameCentral viewers letters regarding the whole situation. I still hold out hope for a future release of Cyberpunk 2077 with huge patches and updates for the game. But it’ll have to be a huge going over.

The game was released far too soon but it was already in development for ages prior, which means if they really wanted to have a perfectly crafted game then we’d probably still be waiting for it in a couple of years! Company shareholders and fans will feel as though technology would be getting far more advanced and Cyberpunk 2077 would still be on an old style engine and lose the hype train linked with it.

It was a difficult decision for the company to release a game that was clearly not ready yet but were kind of forced to in the end. And that was the death of the reputation of a well-respected company and a loss of a great team of developers, as some have now left the company.

Very upsetting for those involved and I think this whole situation has made gaming hype a lot more like something to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Nintendo’s games always seem to be instant classics and with no need of many updates at all! That Nintendo magic needs to be sprinkled on a few more big developers out there, as they seem to know how to reach most of their deadlines with well-crafted games. I know Cyberpunk was maybe a more complex game but so was Zelda: Breath Of The Wild.

So I am hoping that, like No Man’s Sky, Cyberpunk 2077 and the forever-in-development Star Citizen become future classics we will enjoy like a finely matured wine. Here’s hoping anyway, don’t give up yet!

GC: There is no reality where releasing Cyberpunk 2077 in 2020 was the right thing to do, let alone an unavoidable choice.

Doomed conversation
RE: Chris. I’m not wanting to start an argument, so this will be my last note on the issue, but Doom is not 3D. It’s a 2D game imitating 3D. All of the graphics are 2D sprites. All of the levels are designed in 2D.

Since the conversation was about the best looking old 3D game, then it is disingenuous to include it in the discussion when it doesn’t use any 3D elements at all!
Joseph Dowland

Missing link
Jumping in Doom? I don’t know what version of Doom the chap yesterday was thinking about but there is no jump in the original Doom.

As for saying ‘it looks 3D so that’s all that matters’, fair enough but I don’t think saying Doom is really 2D is pedantic. Early first person shooters like Doom, Wolfenstein 3D and, I think, Duke Nuken 3D were known as 2.5D. 2D sprites with a projected 3D background. Quake was one of the first true polygonal 3D games.

Now, if readers think this is dull stuff, fine, but I hope GC don’t. Maybe I am misreading this, and I apologise if I am, but I always get the feeling GC don’t only not care about games technology, or the history of it, but take some strange pride in not caring, as if that is above what games critics should care about.

Not only would that be doing a disservice to the unique and interesting story of how games came to be, sounding interested in the technology would make the criticism more rounded. Film critics and, I imagine, art critics are always interested in new tech as it effects, what can be done and how it is achieved reflects on the creator(s).

As long as it doesn’t overshadow the actual output or become obsessive, a healthy interest in the technology and the history of its development is surely part of appreciating video games.

That’s why just saying ‘Doom looks 3D so let’s leave it at that’ is a reductive and slightly Luddite attitude and it the initial correction shouldn’t, I feel, be considered pedantic.
Dogen’s Brain

GC: We are interested in technology from a historical perspective, but we find that in a general context it often overshadows discussion of game design – the element of the game which cannot be reduced to a number war or a list of tech buzzwords. The fact is many gamers are obsessed by technology and we try not to encourage that. To add to the conversation though, we’ve always felt that Bethesda’s The Terminator: Future Shock was unfairly glossed over by history. It was a fully 3D game (albeit where small objects and the gun were still 2D sprites) that was also one of the very first to use free look with a mouse – all a year before Quake came along.

Inbox also-rans
Persona 5 Royal is currently £24.99 on Amazon UK.
Andrew J.
PS: I have a PlayStation 4 version of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and I also own a PlayStation 5. If I install it on my PlayStation 5 will it update to the PlayStation 5 version on June 11 or would I have to buy the PlayStation 5 version separately?

GC: The PlayStation 5 version of the original game is a free upgrade, but you have to pay for the new episode with Yuffie.

Is it just me or are there far fewer leaks about E3 than the last few years? (last year notwithstanding, obviously) To me that means one of two things: games companies have learned to be way more tight lipped, or there isn’t much new gaming to be shown. Either way we’ll know in a week.

GC: It’s not just you and we’re very curious to see which of those two explanations is correct.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Hot Topic this week due to E3 at the weekend.

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New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

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MORE : Games Inbox: Ratchet & Clank value for money, Battlefield 2042 hopes, and Alex Kidd In Miracle World

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