Feeling a little unsure about the day ahead? The stars might have the answers.
Aquarius is feeling creative, so now is the time to show off your skills.
Meanwhile, Virgo might be having some gut instincts – and it’s best to go with them, even if others are giving you conflicting advice.
Cancer also needs to take a leap of faith to go after a dream.
Read on to find out what’s in store for you today.
For your star sign's forecast, call...
- Aries: 0906 474 0410
- Taurus: 0906 474 0411
- Gemini: 0906 474 0412
- Cancer: 0906 474 0413
- Leo: 0906 474 0414
- Virgo: 0906 474 0415
- Libra: 0906 474 0416
- Scorpio: 0906 474 0417
- Sagittarius: 0906 474 0418
- Capricorn: 0906 474 0419
- Aquarius: 0906 474 0420
- Pisces: 0906 474 0421
Calls cost 60p per minute.
March 21 to April 20
This isn’t the time to hesitate, even if you have doubts. These may not be based on information as much as on baseless fears.
As Mercury in a dreamy zone squares off with Mars your emotions could lead you astray, so be careful
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21
Edgy influences are at work, so it might be wise to slow down and take things in your stride.
You won’t want to, though, as the excitement around an idea that may make you money can be urging you on. Don’t jump in too quickly.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21
You sometimes enjoy being around other people. Connect with those whose company you enjoy.
If there have been issues with a friend or group, the star map suggests such matters will be forgotten.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23
Your mind may be on faraway places, and opportunities that seem out of reach. But are they?
Today brings a positive energy that encourages you to take a leap of faith, and to be bold about going after a dream of yours.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23
Are you perplexed by someone? If what they say and what they do don’t match up, you may wonder about their motives.
Your thoughts about this person could take on a life of their own. Talking to them can resolve this matter.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23
Your instincts about a situation are worth paying attention to, especially if someone is giving you confusing advice.
They could persuade you to go against your own better judgment. Don’t let others put you off.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23
If a special opportunity opens up for you, don’t dismiss it.
With Mars continuing its journey through your sector of new experiences, saying yes could be so good for you. It could well be worth taking the risk.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22
It’s no good beating about the bush if you want something. With Mars continuing in your sector of desire, it could get more difficult to pretend that you really don’t need it.
Try to talk yourself out of it, but this won’t make it go away.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21
You may resent it if someone seems to be prying into your family business, and be inclined to give away as little as possible.
But it’s possible that they have your best interests at heart, even if you can’t see it.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21
Crossed wires are possible, especially if you’re discussing something. Clarify things so you can power ahead and make your mark.
Concerning family matters, you could find yourself acting as a mediator in a tricky situation.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19
You’re at a creative peak, making this a great time to showcase your skills. If you have a special talent, don’t hide it away but make sure everyone knows about it.
If you have to spend a little on ways to advertise yourself, then go for it.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20
You have a lot on the go and many interests, but key planets in a quiet sector are encouraging you to make time for yourself.
You’ll be able to perceive aspects of your life in ways that can change things.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
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