Games Inbox: PS5 satisfied customers, PS5 eBay scalpers, and the joy of Astro’s Playroom

Astro’s Playroom screenshot
Astro’s Playroom – everyone loves Astro (pic: Sony)

The Tuesday Inbox is fed up of global shortages of anything gaming related, as one reader is unimpressed by the Capcom Retro Station.

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Satisfied customer
So I’ve had most of the weekend to play my PlayStation 5 and have to say that so far I’ve been pretty blown away by it, especially Astro’s Playroom, which has to be up there as one of my favourite gaming experiences ever! The way that the game showcases the DualSense is incredible, almost Nintendo like magic in the way that the console, controller, and game connect so seamlessly and become an extension of each other. Sure, it is quite a fleeting experience, that most players will get through in a few hours but my god what a few hours they are! I love the details like the platforms made from parts of the controller.

Also, been playing through Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which has been incredible (despite it being cross-gen). The ray-tracing just gives the city so much extra depth! Overall I’m happy with the purchase, I’ve had a couple of minor issues with the front USB port not working to charge the controller in rest mode and I had a crash the first time I played Astro’s Playroom (none at all since though) – nothing that won’t eventually be fixed with patches though.
Rickandrolla (PSN ID)

Same old story
It’s been interesting reading all the issues gamers trying to get their hands on the latest Sony and Microsoft consoles are having.

It hasn’t been any better over on this side of the pond in Canada. Consoles sell out in minutes, websites are crashing, and those that have braved it to go out and try and get one in person have returned home empty-handed.

On the PC side, both Nvidia and AMD released new hardware and those are also impossible to get without paying scalper prices. The AMD cards sold out within a matter of minutes and so did the Nvidia ones.

I’ve been on the sidelines watching, new hardware would be nice. However, if I could survive the early 90s with an Amstrad CPC while those around me had Amigas and Atari STs I can wait a few months for things to be sorted. My PC is actually pretty capable, although it lacks ray-tracing.

We just went on lockdown, officially it began on Monday, so this weekend saw insane crowds in the malls for early Christmas shopping and panic buying at the supermarkets (particularly Costco for some reason).
Commodore Fan
Currently Playing: Sonic 2 (Mega Drive Mini), Uncharted Collection (PS4), and Doom Eternal (Xbox One)

Shopping with scalpers
I don’t like to disparage the weekend Reader’s Features, but I must admit the Sunday feature about buying a PlayStation 5 for £900 did irritate me a little. We’ve seen the issue of scalpers with virtually every console launch, and every time people seem to be happy to pay them a fortune. The argument I often hear is that, ‘I should be able to spend my money however I like’ but they seem to forget that there are now people who would have liked a console at launch left unable to get one.

The only way to stop these scalpers is to stop buying from them, is it really that much of a hardship just to wait a few months for more stock!?

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The disappearing game
Been impressed with my PlayStation 5 since I’ve been playing all my games. The load times are impressive. Mind you, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla comes with a new feature I’ve not experienced before.

I’ll play for hours, as it is a very impressive game and visually very, very good. I’ll turn off my console, then when I’m ready to immerse myself back into the adventure I’ll turn on my PlayStation 5 and find the game tile has disappeared and I have to reinstall the game again.

Done this five times now and there’s no point in having a super duper fast SSD when you have to wait 30 minutes to reinstall a game that somehow has mysteriously disappeared from the console. Ubisoft sort it out as I have paid quite a few pounds for your game!

Sorry to moan but it’s getting on my nerves now.

Just wondering if anyone would welcome the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S versions of GTA 5 to offer the aircraft carrier as a purchasable option so players could own one as well as allow the potential for a new heist?

It would be a great feature for the newer next gen GTA game and would encourage more people to upgrade. The Fort Zancudo could be used as well, to be raided in a heist, and would offer a great challenge for GTA Online players.

Owning a runway in Fort Zancudo would also be useful in GTA Online and would be a great new property for players to own.
gaz be rotten (gamertag)

Blame J. J.
I’m sorry but JAH’s outrageous story has more holes than the plot of Rise Of The Skywalker.

He says in one sentence that he ordered that many in case ‘some’ didn’t come. Then in the next that he ordered so many so he could redistribute them to others.

Well, which was it?

Does he honestly expect us to believe he forgot how many he had pre-ordered and then just happened to find multiple family members and neighbours to buy his spares.

This would have cost him thousands of pounds, that he would have had to have committed to spending before the machines were delivered.

The story and accompanying picture just come across as thinly veiled trolling and are really not a good look.

Edited highlights
I can’t be the only one thinking that JAH’s letter in Monday’s inbox was more of a ‘Look at me. Look at how great I am!’ boast. So you bought seven consoles. Why you’re telling people is beyond me. I await Tuesday’s inbox with popcorn and candy.

Doing it again
So, I see my Monday letter definitely put the cat amongst the pigeons regarding the PlayStation 5s. And yes, I still have my tin helmet on from yesterday. I knew the comments in the Underbox would be a 50/50 split over the seven consoles. What I didn’t account for though was the actual amount of comments received. I think it went past well over 100 the last time I saw the comments section (and I would say 90% was just about my letter). And yes, I did sleep well last night just in case anybody was concerned.

A lot of the comments I did take on-board, especially from the regular contributors. I was never, ever saying whether it was right or wrong, I was just at the end of the day telling your readers what happened to me on launch day regarding the PlayStation 5.

I never ever intentionally wrote the letter to upset anyone or offend anyone in anyway whatsoever, that’s the last thing I wanted to do. And if I did upset anyone I can only apologise to them. Sorry. (Everybody wants to be liked, don’t they?). Yet having my picture as the headliner with the caption, ‘That’s where they all went’ I thought was just a little bit naughty on your part GC as well?

However it was a good headliner for you to get the punters in no doubt and for me personally, at the end of the day, it is what it is guys and like I said earlier I slept like a log last night! So if anybody out there wants to know the question of if I would of done the same thing again if I could go back in time? The answer is hand on heart, yes!

GC: With this we’re going to draw a veil on the whole subject, before anyone gets too upset.

Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Sony skyscraper
The moment is here for me, the next generation of future gaming has begun.

Friday morning, I got an email saying PlayStation 5 would be arriving today. This was very surprising to me as I would have assumed it would be next week at best. Anyhow, how big is this Sony skyscraper? Much bigger that I first assumed, also heavy compared to PlayStation 4.

The games which I have been playing are Bugsnax, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Astro’s Playroom, and Spider-Man Remastered. The Spider-Man games are really great, from subway vibrations on the DualSense to keyboard typing to the great soundtrack and stunning visuals, including snowflakes to ultra-real sunshine and reflections. Insomniac deserve a pat on the back using the new hardware.

Bugsnax is a light-hearted game and not tooo serious catching all the weird bugs. Was great scanning, trapping, and netting these critters; there’s good use of the DualSense – pulsing and catching feels really genuine, great for kids.

Astro’s Playroom – well, this game is truly brilliant, even if it is only a tech demo; starting with the faintest taps in the DualSense when walking to the adaptive triggers. When hovering are going over a bridge it’s a joy to feel and the sounds are impressive. Surfaces feel unique, from mud, sand, ice, and wind clouds to the raindrops on your head. Also, great fan service if you love Sony products.

There are a lot of ideas in the game that reminds me of Super Mario 64 and the Galaxy games, but this feels like a step up; Sony are playing the Nintendo game.

All in all, this is the best console launch for me since the N64 and the first use of the Rumble Pak, which was really special. Hope all the developers make use of the DualSense pad because it really is groundbreaking.

Inbox also-rans
The PlayStation 4 and 3 cables work on the PlayStation 5? So it IS backwards compatible after all!

That Capcom mini-arcade is so weird. Why go to all that trouble and then only put Street Fighter 2 and some random Mega Man games on it? Who on earth associates Mega Man with arcades?

This week’s Hot Topic
The topic for this weekend’s Inbox asks what is the most impressed you’ve been by something from the next generation of consoles?

It can be the consoles themselves, the games, the controllers, or a service or feature that wasn’t present in the previous generation. What gives you the most encouragement for the future of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S and why?

Do you feel that the new consoles are making a better impression at this stage in their life than previous formats or do you think they’ve been a disappointment so far? What are you hopes for the immediate future (the next six months or so) and the longer term?

E-mail your comments to:

The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE : Games Inbox: Seven PS5s for one customer, DualSense on Steam, and missing PS5 power adapter

MORE : Weekend Hot Topic, part 1: Unpopular gaming opinions

MORE : Weekend Hot Topic, part 2: Unpopular gaming opinions

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