Games Inbox: Lockdown next gen console plans, Dirt 5 split-screen, and the next Nintendo Direct

Xbox Series X retail box packaging
Will you be clicking and collecting? (pic: Microsoft)

The Wednesday Inbox wonders if Cyberpunk 2077 will outsell Call Of Duty, as one reader is greatly disturbed by playing P.T. demo.

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Round 2
So this is it… another month of lockdown just as we’re about to enter the next generation. Who could have imagined this at the start of the year, when the worst thing that was happening is that everyone was being weirdly secretive. I bet the games companies are glad of that now, since it means they ended up not having to cancel or delay much because they hadn’t really announced anything yet.

Still, the whole thing has obviously been awful, in all sorts of ways, trivial and important (hopefully Trump’s gone by the time you read this!) and the thought of it all starting again is terrible. It’s only a month but then you begin to question when will it ever end?

I don’t know about that but I do know I’m glad that I’ll be getting my PlayStation 5 this month. More glad than ever actually, as it’s something to look forward to and hopefully something to do that’s fun once it arrives. Video games might not be essential but, especially with no new TV shows or films being made, they’re the best way to keep ourselves entertained until this whole nightmare is over.

Long term success
Having not played a Call Of Duty game for about four years I decided to jump back in with Modern Warfare a few months after its initial release and was pleasantly surprised how much I had enjoyed it. Now with the hype surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 I was wondering if it does get released on 10th December do you think it will sell in numbers like Call Of Duty does on a yearly basis and will it be the number one game for Christmas?

It seems over the last few years Call Of Duty sells around 30 million copies a year, with The Witcher 3 selling around 50 million since 2105, which in itself is fantastic but five years of COD would have sold 100+ million which is just mindboggling.

I just feel Cyberpunk 2077 has been so hyped that if it comes out to great scores I reckon there is a chance it will sell more than The Witcher 3 over a five year period.

GC: Maybe, but whether it will be the Christmas number one is a different question. Usually it’s only Rockstar games that can ever hope to outsell FIFA or Call Of Duty in the course of a year.

You were warned
After your article in which Konami confirmed P.T. wouldn’t work on PlayStation 5 I finally had to pluck up the courage to start it.

I had previously thought it a mystery as to why Hideo Kojima was ousted from Konami and the project binned. I wonder no more. That was a hideous, horrendous, nerve-shredding, horror show, and I say thank heavens it got cancelled.

It reminded me of the recent Reader’s Feature by Matc7884, which gave everything a soiled pants rating out of 10. Well, this was the Spinal Tap of horror for me – Kojima turned the nightmare up to 11. Absolutely horrendous. Glad they sacked him.
Dan (grimwar85 gamertag/PSN ID)
PS: I am writing this at 01:20am because I literally cannot sleep because of that bloody ghost and sink baby. God!

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Bought and paid for
I’m just letting you guys know, so in turn you can let your readers know. I pre-ordered the Xbox Series X via GAME via Xbox All Access. I hadn’t heard anything, so I ventured down to the store today and they put everything through. I took my QR Code and my driving licence down and they were needed.

I’m all set to pick up my Xbox Series X on the 10th of November.

Losing support
Having just pre-purchased my PlayStation 5 I asked how many elite points I will get and have been told Game HQ, over the last few days, have silently reduced its cashback from 4% on a new console to 2%. That means I’m less likely to buy a game with the PlayStation 5.

Feels like a kick in the teeth, as reward points are the only real reason I see to still support GAME. Wouldn’t mind if I’d had a heads up at least.

High street collection
GC, click and collect, as far as I am lead to believe, is part of the new national lockdown rules? My other half works in our local precinct and because her particular shop doesn’t offer the click and collect service she’s going back on furlough as her shop is closing for the four weeks. However, all the other retailers that do offer click and collect are allowed to stay open during the lockdown, so GAME and Argos, etc. should still be allowed to remain open.

Another thing as well, GC, I know people go on about video games not being essential on the shopping list and all that and I get it it’s not food or toiletries, etc. but surely now we’re going back into another national lockdown don’t consoles and games help relieve boredom and help people mentally having to be stuck in their house for at least a month?

New console
Unfortunately I won’t be getting the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox Series X next week, or week after in relation to PlayStation 5, as I missed out on the pre-orders. But I will be getting the Game & Watch, so looking forward to that and waiting till when I can get a PlayStation 5 more easily.

I hope everybody is able to get their consoles on launch day and enjoy the new games.
Andrew J.
PS: Kingdom Classic is free on PC on Humble Bundle for the next six days, at time of writing. They give you a Steam code.

Rally good news
So Dirt 5 is here, as a huge fan of racing sims, and someone who loved the old Colin McRae (RIP) games and loves Dirt Rally – but is generally a fan of the more serious racing games – I wasn’t sure whether it would float my boat.

The review was reading like a purely off-road version of Forza Horizon (which is my game of choice for less serious racing), only without the open world, then I read this:

‘Along with a wonderful four-player split screen mode’

And that’s it, I’m sold! Well done Codies for continuing split-screen. Far more games should include this, I know we live in an online world, and most of my racing is online, but there is something so joyous about having four people in the same room, playing the same game that can’t be replicated.

Happy racing!
The Dude Abides

Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

What happens next?
So have we given up on the idea of a ‘proper’ Nintendo Direct entirely for the rest of the year? Seems only yesterday, and yet also a lifetime ago, that we were hoping for one in the spring. I’ve got to know how Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 is doing, just a glimpse – an idea of what it even is at this point.

But I also want to know what Nintendo is doing with the Switch going forward. All their big franchises have appeared on it now and we’ve only got the smaller stuff left to go (much as I’m looking forward to Metroid Prime 4). So what’s next?

Is the Switch in the last few years of its life now or are they still going for it lasting 10 years? Is the Switch Pro real and how powerful is it exactly? Will we start to see more sequel than usual if the console is longer lasting than previous consoles? Is streaming on the Switch going to become a common thing or just a one-off experiment?

I know Nintendo have found the pandemic hard to deal with but I just have no idea what they’re even going for now. I didn’t buy my Switch to play Dynasty Warriors and I would really like to know what they’re planning in terms of real games.

Inbox also-rans
PlayStation 5 is out of stock everywhere but It’s still available for pre-order NOW at Sony Centre Crawley (or your nearest Sony Centre) not sure how long stocks will last! Bought the PlayStation 5, extra controller, and Spider-Man: Miles Morales yesterday for £579. Hope it helps!

Thanks for the review of The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel 4 review, GC. I’m sure it’s the last thing you needed right now but I definitely appreciated the closure.

This week’s Hot Topic
The topic for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Simon, who asks what is your favourite ever console?

Regardless of when it was originally released what is your favourite console (not home computer) and why? How much of its appeal is due to the hardware and its peripherals as opposed to just the software? What did the console do better than others, that makes it so memorable, and how much influence does it have on the modern day?

How much is nostalgia influencing your choice and do you think the console and its games still have broad appeal today? What makes a good console and how well do you think the current and upcoming formats have learnt the lessons of the past?

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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE : Games Inbox: Next generation console start, Watch Dogs 4 ideas, and PS5 UK pre-order collections

MORE : Games Inbox: PS5 UK pre-orders during lockdown, Cyberpunk 2077 optimism, and GTA 5.5

MORE : Weekend Hot Topic, part 2: Best horror video game ever

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