On Monday, the Luton branch of Pure Gym posted details of a workout named ’12 Years a Slave’.
Here are some of the many outraged reactions.
Jesus ******* ****
Pure Gym Luton & Dunstable saw all these businesses showing solidarity with the black community and thought: Why not name a workout "12 years of slave" and use the slogan: "Slavery was hard and so is this"?
— Femi (@Femi_Sorry) October 5, 2020
PureGym just posted a "12 Years A Slave" inspired training routine and said… "Slavery was hard, and so is this!"
How the f*ck did they think that was ok?!
Utterly Atrocious.
Words fail me. pic.twitter.com/ocO3DDDimO
— Vin Gill (@digitalvingill) October 5, 2020
The fact that the Personal Trainer who posted it turned out to be black was no mitigation, and they later issued this apology.
Disgusting an apology is not enough @PureGym – maybe a donation to charity & sacking the person who signed off on the campaign? https://t.co/foYn7NlBcw
— Kristy Alisa (@KristyAlisa) October 5, 2020
…and my #marketingfail of the week goes to
— Bec Baker (@MarketerBean) October 5, 2020
However, the best response came from satirical comedian Munya Chawawa, who “redressed the balance” with this devastatingly sardonic parade of black stereotypes.
Pure Gym announce their new Black History Month facilities.
@Puregym_Luton pic.twitter.com/9UP636T8H7
— Munya Chawawa (@munyachawawa) October 5, 2020
Tweeters were as blown away as ever by his swift response.
The ink on Pure Gym’s apology isn’t even dry yet
— Dionne Grant (@DionneGrant) October 5, 2020
He never misses https://t.co/DTambCK7q4
— Bolu Babalola (@BeeBabs) October 5, 2020
One of the consistently funny guys on here https://t.co/XM1mRdVuWZ
— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) October 5, 2020
We don’t know how many times it has to be said before it happens, but …
Give this man a TV show right now!!! https://t.co/hSjkRVdVpE pic.twitter.com/AV0iT41Vqf
— Mo Gilligan (@MoTheComedian) October 5, 2020
Source Munya Chawawa Image Munya Chawawa
The post Munya Chawawa had the most savage takedown of Pure Gym’s outrageous slavery workout appeared first on The Poke.
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