Weekend Hot Topic, part 1: Most wanted next gen games

Mass Effect 1 - about to go beyond HD?
Mass Effect – almost certainly coming to the next gen (pic: EA)

GameCentral readers name the next gen games they’re most hoping for, from Street Fighter 6 to a new Tomb Raider.

The subject for this week’s Hot Topic was suggested by reader Grackle, who asked what franchises are you most looking forward to in the next gen? Not so much games that have already been announced but series that are all but guaranteed to get a next gen makeover.

Since so few games have been confirmed for the next generation there were plenty of obvious choices, from GTA 6 to The Elder Scrolls, as well as upcoming unveils like Batman and the rumoured Final Fantasy 16.

Effectively guaranteed
Since so little has been announced for the next gen yet, especially outside of Sony and Microsoft exclusives this is a good question, in that I’d like to know what is actually being planned.

I guess what I’d want the most, that seems like it’s going to happen, is Mass Effect. I’m actually not too bothered about the remasters, because I’m not convinced they can do much with them, given the amount of work it’d be for all three games. But a proper sequel to Mass Effect 3, that would be amazing.

The tricky thing is what to do about the ending to 3, which is extra difficult because that was the worst thing about the game. For once I’d just be happy if they brushed it under the carpet a bit and just got on with a new story. I want them to reuse the same setting and some of the new characters but not get bogged down in lore.

In terms of what has been announced the only I can really say I’m excited about is Resident Evil 8, just because I like the series. Although I hope they don’t make the new one too serious or have any real supernatural stuff – Resi should be about mad scientists not evil witches.
Mat White

Final Fantasies
The problem with this Hot Topic is that we can’t really talk about Nintendo, since we still don’t have any clue that they are going to have a next gen anytime. In which case I’ll say that Final Fantasy 16 is the game I’m most looking forward to next gen.

There’s been some rumblings about it already, so I would expect to see at least something about it soon. Maybe even at the next PlayStation 5 reveal this next year (it’s assumed exclusivity is one of the reasons I’ll be sticking with Sony this gen).

The big question of course is how it’s going to compare with Final Fantasy 7 Remake and whether it’ll have a similar battle system or something purposefully different. I’m excited to see what they come up with and, of course, the other chapters to Final Fantasy 7 are also keenly anticipated by me. The series has had its ups and downs over the years but right now definitely feels like any up.

Last chance
I’m really curious to see what Bethesda in general do next gen as I think they’ve lost a lot of credibility with how they’ve handled Fallout 76 and the bad graphics in general this gen. I don’t know how they went the whole generation without making a new Elder Scrolls games (was it so people played the MMO more?) but that’s what I’m looking forward to the most.

It’ll also be kind of a last chance for them as far as I’m concerned, because if they mess this up again I’m done with them. And they really better sort out their terrible facial animation because it’s just embarrassing nowadays. I’m hoping it’ll be a situation like Mortal Kombat where people mocked it for its faces for years and then they finally did something about it and they were some of the best in the biz.

As far as I understand Starfield is coming out first so hopefully we’ll get a good indication of how much Bethesda has improved with that. I prefer fantasy but I’ll certainly give it some consideration.

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Capcom generation
Since it’s been in the news lately I’m kind of interested to see what they’ll come up with for Street Fighter 6. The whole genre is looking kind of stale right now and apart from Mortal Kombat I don’t think any of them are selling, so what can and will Street Fighter 6 do? I’ve got no ideas really, but I hope it doesn’t involve realistic graphics. Maybe go the other direction and make it look more like the original artwork?

I’ve got a lot of hopes for Capcom in the next gen actually, and I hope that the rumours of a new Onimusha and Dino Crisis are real. They’ve had a lot of success this half of the current generation, and it’s been well deserved, so I want to see them invest in a lot more games that aren’t afraid to be Japanese.

That obviously includes Monster Hunter, which I can’t pretend is my favourite but it’s their bread and butter right now and I’m fine with that.

Scary thoughts
What I’m hoping is that the rumours about Silent Hill getting a remake or new game are true. Resident Evil is great and all but it barely counts as horror, even the remakes of the old games, but I’d love to see Silent Hill recreated with the same tender loving care because that game scared the hell out of me when I was younger and I’d love to see what they could do with good graphics (seriously, the game looked bad even at the time).

Apart from that I’ll take a new BioShock. That’s also not scary but it had a good, creepy atmosphere to it and I think was the best mix of shooting and story from the last gen. You don’t really do anything but fight but somehow the game barely felt like a first person shooter at all, which is a really clever thing to do.

I hope it’s not just a remake though as the original looked fine and I’d like to see them move forward so that it’s not all just about Rapture.

Something epic
I’m not just saying it because it’s been in the news lately but I’m really curious to see how the Suicide Squad game turns out. Not because I’m a fan of the comics or film or anything (are there even any fans of the film?) but just because I want to see what Rocksteady do next.

They’ve been working on this for so long it’s got to be something epic, right? Either that or an epic disappointment.

Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Monsters ‘n mummies
What I’m most looking forward to is a new Tomb Raider. I appreciated the Reader’s Feature last week, about remaking Tomb Raider 2, but for me that’s not the approach. They’d never do one anyway, not given how difficult and obscure the puzzles used to be. And even if they did they’d dumb it down.

But I’d prefer to see the series move forward anyway, instead of always looking backwards. The gameplay in the most recent games was fine, it was great in Shadow Of The Tomb Raider but the problem was the story and the characters were just awful.

It’s not something that needs any next gen tech to work but Lara needs to go back to having a fun, cocky attitude again. Or like… any kind of personality really. The whole concept of Tomb Raider is silly and I’d just embrace that, especially as Uncharted took all its supernatural stuff out of the last game.

I’d go all in with the dinosaurs, monsters, and mummies and have Lara wise-cracking her way through a snappy, funny adventure. No one wants to shoot at photorealistic tigers so they have to go with either monsters or more boring guys with guns. I vote for the fun option. I have, however, no idea what one Square Enix will go with.

E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk

The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

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