Because there’s literally nothing else important happening in the UK at the moment – (look_to_camera.gif) – the release of a photo of Carrie Symonds‘ and Boris Johnson‘s baby led to a very wild conspiracy theory.
Here’s the photo of the Downing Street baby, with his fiancée and their son, Wilfred.
And this tweet perfectly sums up the key points of the conspiracy theory, shared by hundreds of tweeters – apparently in all seriousness.
Most people, like author and comedy writer, Jim Felton, had a very different theory about baby Wilfred.
Don’t want to go all Occam’s razor on you but I think what we’re looking at here is some sort of large baby, a situation where two people have had a baby and it is a large baby.
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) July 19, 2020
There were a lot more funny takes, so we gathered our favourites.
I can't say I'm unhappy about the fact that everyone is saying they are amazed at the enormous size of my Willie. #borisbaby
— Parody Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson_MP) July 19, 2020
Midwife: "How's he doing then?
Carrie: "Well he's twisty and moody, always wants a bottle, has a nap in the afternoon, he's got everyone running round after him, I hardly get a minutes peace, I'm shattered…
Midwife: And what about Wilfred? #borisbaby— Stuart-lee Robson (@Roppa77) July 19, 2020
I can totally understand the baby truthers thing. I'm pretty damn certain that is Boris Johnson's child but its so confusing to actually see him in the same room as one of his offspring, it's bound to raise questions.
— Tiernan Douieb (@TiernanDouieb) July 19, 2020
Babies of the highest mass can actually bend space time. The infamous babyzilla of 1948, who belonged to Hans schwarz, clocked in at 4509 chunguses and created a singularity.
This is where we get the term schwarzschild radius as measured by the national register of infant mass
— Dr Benjamin Janaway (@drjanaway) July 19, 2020
the look of a proud father wondering what number this one is
— end of daves
(@davemacladd) July 18, 2020
Release the Big Baby report
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) July 19, 2020
I do hope Sally Phillips and Wee Jimmy Krankie are being paid a decent fee for this…#borisbaby
— junesim63 (@JuneSim63) July 18, 2020
Carrie Symonds takes Wilfred to his first conservative friends of Russia meeting
— European Unity #FBPE
(@EuropeanUnity1) July 19, 2020
The post Boris Johnson’s giant baby is the conspiracy theory nobody expected – our 16 favourite takedowns appeared first on The Poke.
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