Couple fined over loud sex in hotel

A romping couple have been fined £500 each after they had such noisy sex they kept fellow hotel guests awake, reported Metro. Jamie Boultbee and Kaylie Hursthouse took to the Izaak Walton hotel in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, on Valentine’s Day. Their steamy session became so loud that police had to be called in the early hours of the morning. The hotel said the loud lovemakers caused £1,000 in damages, including £250 it had to give as refunds to guests in three other rooms disturbed by the din.

‘Legends’ cheer up patients with snow message

A “group of lads” cheered up patients at Royal Hallamshire Hospital by carving out a giant “get well soon” message in the snow opposite the building, reported The Independent. “Proper good job, thanks to those who did it,” tweeted one man at the hospital, as the snow was carved into a message of hope. “The amount of people who would have seen it is immense. So yeah, it was good!” Another described the group as “legends”, while a third said she was “welling up”.

Man breaks eccentric world record

A man bounced 12 table tennis balls off a wall and caught them on his shaving cream-covered head in 30 seconds to break a curious record. Oscar Lynagh, from Melbourne, Australia, smashed the Guinness World Record for most table tennis balls bounced and caught in shaving foam on the head in 30 seconds (individual). “Yes, this is a real record you can try at home,” tweeted Guinness World Records.

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