Recipe: whey caramel tart by Crocadon’s Dan Cox

Where possible, ensure all of your ingredients come from a source of good agriculture, says chef and expert grower Dan Cox, founder of Crocadon.

A project five years in the making, Crocadon is located on a 120-acre organic farm near St Mellion in Cornwall. The 25-cover restaurant, which opened in February, celebrates the connection between food and agriculture.


Tart dough
  • 350g plain flour
  • 110g icing sugar 
  • 140g butter
  • half a beaten egg
  • 50ml cold water
Yoghurt and whey
  • two litres of whole unhomogenised organic milk
  • 1 tbsp of live yoghurt
Whey caramel
  • 1lt yoghurt whey (see above)
  • 200g caster sugar
Whey caramel custard
  • 1lt double cream
  • 270g egg yolks
  • 150g sugar
  • 284g whey caramel (see above)
  • 14g salt


For the tart dough
  • Mix the flour and sugar together.
  • Add the butter and mix till it resembles breadcrumbs.
  • Mix the egg and the water together.
  • Add to the dry ingredients and knead gently into a ball
  • Chill in fridge.
  • Once chilled, roll out the dough, cut it into rounds and line the tart cases.
  • Preheat the oven to 170C.
  • Blind bake for 15min.
  • Remove the blind baking beans and continue to bake until golden brown (approximately five minutes).
  • Take the cases out of the tins and egg wash with whole egg. Bake for one more minute.
For the yoghurt and whey
  • Bring the milk to 85C and then allow it to cool to 38C.
  • Add the spoon of yoghurt and whisk well, then place in a pan inside a dehydrator (or use a yoghurt maker) and hold at 38C for 8 hours. Allow to cool and then chill.
  • Once chilled, place the yoghurt in double muslin cloth, in a colander over a bowl or pan to hang the yoghurt and catch the whey below.
  • Leave in the fridge overnight.
  • In the morning, take the hung yoghurt, place it in a bowl and whisk it until smooth, adding whey back if necessary.
For the whey caramel
  • Bring the cream to a boil,
  • Mix the yolks and sugar
  • Pour the cream over the egg and sugar mix.
  • Whisk in the whey caramel and pass the mixture through a chinois strainer.
For the whey caramel custard
  • Pour the custard into the tart cases and bake in the oven at 95C until just set with a good wobble. Allow to cool and refrigerate.
  • When set, cut into desired portions and dress each slice with some of the yoghurt and drizzle over some of the whey caramel.
  • We like to add caramelised apple puree and fresh apple slices soaked in a sorrel and marigold syrup, then finish with little leaves of sorrel.

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