Nobody’s getting minted on bonuses like this

The r/Antiwork forum describes itself as –

A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.

One of those work-related struggles has been shared by u/Lilgermanboy321

Redditors were incensed on the unappreciated worker’s behalf.

Fuck no, they can shove them mints up the prison pocket.

If I wanted to sabotage employee morale, this is the exact note I would send. Pathetic lol.

Yea I don’t understand what these things are supposed to accomplish. Make you feel like a four year old and tell you how much money you’re making the guy at the top?

This thread took a lighter approach.

Sales up by $6 million and they give you a mint to say thanks…not even a pizza party??

Walk out now.

Silly rabbit, only frontline heroes get rewarded with pizza parties.

Woah woah woah… I know you are more than a little upset for their sake…. BUT, look closer… there are two staples. Does the possible fact that they got TWO MINTS change your mind about how you are feeling? Ehhhh? Ehhhh? Eh.

Whoa there, whoever put two mints on should be fired, we only allocated enough funds for one mint and one staple per person.

But it looks like this guy got TWO staples.

Obviously, a mass layoff is in order to make up for this financial disaster.

Super performers can have 2 staples, but only 1 mint. 2 mints is C level type perf bonus.

…and beating sales by $6,000,000!!

Looks at note and notices extra lifesaver and staple.

$6,000,000!! $5,999,999.89!!

You are very appreciated!

u/TheCussingLibrarian had an excellent suggestion.

Save the mint. When you get a new job and tender your resignation, use the words disappointmint, paymint, lack of excitemint, debasemint liberally throughout. Then staple the mint to the page and tell them you have found other employmint.


This boss’s outrageously short notice got precisely the responses it deserved

Source r/Antiwork Image r/Antiwork, Robin Higgins on Pixabay

The post Nobody’s getting minted on bonuses like this appeared first on The Poke.

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