Michael Spicer was in the Room Next Door to …Winston Churchill

Michael Spicer‘s browbeaten aide in the room next door to a succession of inept politicians and public figures as they make speeches is an unlikely bright spot in the gloom of widespread powerful idiocy.

Past triumphs have included –

Boris Johnson claiming to paint wine crates to look like buses.

Donald Trump talking about homelessness – sort of.

Matt Hancock on the supposed 20,000 extra police officers.

In a twist that might just rile the same people who organise a protective rota to prevent anyone painting graffiti on statues, Michael has turned his attention to the famous public speaking skills of one Winston Churchill.

Watch how that went.

‘People aren’t going to feel roused if you look like you’re about to nod off and dribble.’

Michael posted the sketch on Twitter, where it was declared V for Victory.

There was more high praise from Olivier Knox.

You’re welcome …


Michael Spicer was in the Room Next Door to THAT Michael Gove interview

Source Michael Spicer Image Screengrab

The post Michael Spicer was in the Room Next Door to …Winston Churchill appeared first on The Poke.

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