Joe Lycett’s National Comedy Awards speech sarcastically thanked all the right people

Joe Lycett is a unique comedian.

As well as being a master of stand-up, he sets up and carries out longer-form large-scale ‘stunts’, such as his recent (successful) attempt to draw attention to Qatar’s woeful treatment of the LGBTQI+ community by pretending to shred £10k after failing to get a response from David Beckham.

There was also the time he legally changed his name to Hugo Boss after the fashion company sent cease and desist letters to small businesses with the word ‘boss’ in their names.

In a less contrived but perfectly pitched and sustained response to Liz Truss running for PM – and winning – his sarcastic support was beautifully convincing to anyone who hadn’t been paying attention to Joe.

In the National Comedy Awards, he was the deserving recipient of the Comedy Game Changer award – and his speech was a thing of beauty.

“Liz Truss …Couldn’t do it without you, girl.”

“To everyone on Twitter with a football team logo as their profile picture – for keeping me grounded.”

“To the BBC Chairman Richard Sharp for that loan you gave me. Thank you, Richard, I was struggling when I started out and it kept me afloat.”

“I’d like to say Richard Sharp should stand down as the BBC Chairman, and that’s not my opinion but the opinion of Channel 4 Television.”

Cue standing ovation. Twitter users gave the speech the props it deserved.

The following day, Joe also had something to say about it.


Joe Lycett had the best response to Liz Truss sacking Kwasi Kwarteng

Source Channel 4 Image Screengrab

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