These days, you get arrested and thrown in jail if you try to sell an unwanted raffle prize

These days, you get arrested and thrown in jail if you try to sell an unwanted raffle prize, don’t you? If this post by u/Karlbearon0527 on Reddit’s r/ChoosingBeggars is anything to go by, some people would vote for that policy.

Check out what happened.

There was quite a bit of concern about the deal, with suggestions that the raffle winner should offer a much bigger discount – one hundred per cent, in some cases.

Not everybody was so unreasonable.

This stupid question got a reasonable answer.

We hope they took this advice.

Redditors’ reactions were somewhat mocking.

My kids could be eating this 75” TV goddamnit.

Yikes! So many choosy beggars on one listing! In some states he’d have to pay taxes on a win like that. Good on him to sell it!

Me: I went to Vegas and won $1000 on a slot machine!

Everyone: You’re keeping the money? Why don’t you donate that to someone in need?!

If he only they gave that TV to a single mother, then her kids would be able to eat………the box it came in.

u/cloud_t had a theory.

This is how envy works. It’s not even about choosing beggars, this is outright people who wanted something but can’t have it, and now they’re mad someone else got it.

They would be equally as mad if the winner didn’t sell it, they just wouldn’t have a place to vent their frustration.


This choosing beggar wasn’t happy that the free TV didn’t include delivery

Source r/ChoosingBeggars Image r/ChoosingBeggars, karatara on Pexels

The post These days, you get arrested and thrown in jail if you try to sell an unwanted raffle prize appeared first on The Poke.

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