Facepalm of the Day goes to this spectacular petrol pump fail

Although Reddit user u/Styr0foam chose to post this clip to r/funny we think it might have been more suited to r/facepalm. See what you think.

Of course, she got panned.

If you don’t see the fuel tank door on the side of the car you’re checking, there’s a good chance it’s on the other side of the car.

Why is she taking the hose from the other side of the pump?

Just like some people shouldn’t have kids, some people shouldn’t own/drive cars.

But it also turned out to be fairly relatable.

I can’t laugh. I live in New Jersey, where we can’t fill our own gas. I’ve never filled up my own gas and this might be me in the future.

Hey now, I’ve done this. got a new car and was surprised when the fuel port was on the right side.

When I bought my new car it took me 10 minutes to figure out I had to pull a lever down near my feet on the driver’s side to open it. My old car you just had to push it in while the car was unlocked. I was sat at the pump for 10 minutes googling how to do it!

It’s more fun to mock her, but the vehicle is probably a rental or borrowed. My dumb ass did this once on a business trip with an unfamiliar rental car. Thankfully no one was around and I didn’t persist like her in assuming the car must be wrong, not me.

Did you check inside the door or wheel space before the other side of the car though? Because that was what really made me laugh.

Quite a few people thought it was staged, with the main arguments being these –

Why were they filming?

It’s gotta be fake, the video quality is absurdly high.

It’s either faked or the person recording is an asshole who likes to upload videos of strangers to the internet.

Which brings us nicely to the ‘camera crew’ –

I kinda feel bad for her; running low on gas, guys in the vehicle recording her and laughing and, of course, NOT helping, while she just wants to get on with her day.

Why is society more focused on filming people’s mistakes than simply getting out of the car and helping her? I mean common sense should immediately tell her it is on the other side, but a kind gesture is free, never hurts, and brings us internal happiness and karma.

Let’s film her and honk at her like assholes instead of helping her out 🤡

Real or fake – here’s a tip for avoiding the same pitfall.

Life hack: on the fuel gauge there is a tiny arrow that points to the side of the car that has the fuel door. I never noticed it until somebody pointed it out to me but it’s on every car.


Omg I was staring at that arrow the other day wondering what it was..I am not a smart man.

u/Squirley08 was ready to believe – having seen some things.

15 years I managed a gas station. Wait until she drives around to the other side of the pumps and still can’t figure it out. I’ve seen it too many times.

What, u/Squirley08? Do you mean like this?


Woman’s Petrol Station Visit Proves Problematic

Source r/funny H/T Facebook Image r/funny

The post Facepalm of the Day goes to this spectacular petrol pump fail appeared first on The Poke.

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