Jimmy Fallon’s hashtag challenges are almost legendary. The best ones are read out on The Tonight Show or tweeted from its account, but even the ones that don’t make the cut are often very entertaining.
This is the most recent challenge he’s set his viewers and followers.
It's Hashtags time! Tell us a weird idea you have for an invention, then tag it with #MyCrazyInvention. Could be on the show!
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) October 4, 2021
He added his own suggestion for a crazy invention.
An earpiece that will whisper the name of an acquaintance to me after I’ve forgotten for the 5th time. #MyCrazyInvention
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) October 4, 2021
We’ll order five, thank you very much.
The spinny thing on the bottom of deodorant that pushes it up? That but on the bottom of a Pringle’s can. #MyCrazyInvention
— ✭Besse✭ (@BesseBoy) October 4, 2021
You know the sound a cat makes when it’s about to throw up? That noise, but as an alarm clock. #MyCrazyInvention
— Markis (@_MarkWithAnM) October 4, 2021
Every toilet paper holder in homes containing children, teenagers and young adults will come equipped with a loud, screeching alarm that will not stop until the new roll of toilet paper is put on correctly. #MyCrazyInvention pic.twitter.com/vdjvm57sAV
— FernDog (@forearmshivers) October 4, 2021
A travel toothbrush that already has toothpaste in it, and you just twist it up like a chapstick. Please someone, I’m begging. #MyCrazyInvention
— Haley Mae Campbell (@HaleyMCampbell) October 4, 2021
Hot Cubes – a plastic cube filled with a heated substance to keep your hot beverages warm.
— Britny Ann Lopez
(@ReikiWithStars) October 4, 2021
#MyCrazyInvention will be a built in karaoke/music player stalls for the bathrooms. Why awkwardly poop when you can awkwardly sing together. Give Party Pooper a new meaning. https://t.co/8X6PMM70tK
— Vaggitarius (@MsVaggitarius) October 4, 2021
Pillows that will record your dreams while you sleep, so when you wake up in the morning, and you can’t seem to remember what you just dreamt of, you can search for, and play back that dream on the pillow! #MyCrazyInvention
(@DulceFloCruz99) October 4, 2021
A bushel of bananas that individually get ripe, one by one. #MyCrazyInvention
— DDancer42 (@DDancer42) October 6, 2021
Barefoot friendly Legos #MyCrazyInvention
— Reid (@REIIIIDDDD) October 4, 2021
A fire alarm that is voice activated to stop going off when someone yells "IM COOKING" #MyCrazyInvention
— Jacque D (@jacquelovesyou) October 4, 2021
The post People have been coming up with crazy inventions – 19 of the best appeared first on The Poke.
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