Games Inbox: Skyrim anniversary remake, Quake single-player, and beating Death’s Door

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim artwork
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim – will there ever be a full remake? (pic: Bethesda)

The Monday Inbox talks about giving Cyberpunk 2077 a second chance, as one reader falls in love with Hades on Game Pass.

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Time for a remake
I was excited about the news of a 10th anniversary version of Skyrim until I read deeper and found out it’s basically just a re-release, with a few bits of new content but no substantial changes. I guess that’s more than many anniversary games have got this year but it’s less than I think the game deserves.

As far as I’m concerned Skyrim is the best game ever and it should be treated that way. 10 years seem like the perfect reason to give it a remake, especially as it would be a good excuse to test the new engine they’re using for The Elder Scrolls 6.

I admit this sounds a bit like Nintendo finds trying and failing to predict their favourite company, but I really don’t want to wait till the 20th or 25th anniversary until we got a modern looking Skyrim. At a bare minimum they could hire some of the fans that have made PC mods to create an official remake for consoles. Half the work would be done already, and we already know it’d look great.

I know, I know… entitled gamer. But I do feel anyone playing Skyrim new at the moment would struggle to understand why it’s so special if they’re just playing the standard console versions.

Edge of tomorrow
Since seeing the first trailer for Twelve Minutes I’ve been waiting in anticipation and what a game. I didn’t really know how you could get much of a story in an apartment on a 12 minute loop would kind of limit the scope of what you could do, but it turns out that even though the amount of the loop you play through is much smaller you can still get a seven hour game without it ever really feeling repetitive. Obviously, it is repeating but as the story evolves on each repetition it doesn’t feel repetitive.

Maybe it’s because someone mentioned it the other day, but it reminded my a lot of Live Die Repeat. The story is clearly very different but the setup of a bunch of loops trying to not die, learning how to evolve the setup, and then loops evolving a story felt familiar.

What the Hades
I just wanted to write in and gush over how amazing Hades is! I wasn’t sure I’d like the game as I’ve not played many games of its ilk, but it was on Game Pass so I thought, what the hell. It is sublime, a ton of fun, challenging, good writing, excellent animations, fun weapons, beautifully designed.

Since returning to work full time, I’ve struggled to get back in the gaming saddle this year, Hades has bought me right back. Its an absolute ball. Any gamepass subscribers need to try it and if you’re on other platforms, buy it. You won’t be disappointed.

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Released but not designed
Cyberpunk 2077 is easily the best game on current gen hardware or Stadia. The graphics are amazing, the story is compelling, the role-playing elements are great – as is the shooting. It might be garbage on a PlayStation 4, but it was never designed for it.

I am so sick of people panning this game who have clearly never played it. Easy vote for game of the year. Returnal is fun but it’s nothing compared to Cyberpunk 2077. Dude, watch some videos of people playing it, it’s amazing on current hardware.

GC: Cyberpunk 2077 and Returnal did not come out in the same year.

Second lighting strike
After your weekend Reader’s Feature I’d just like to say I’m getting Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5 on December 10th. I will wait till all reviews are in on but I doubt they will mess up this time but you can never tell with game companies these days. Most think, yes, we will bring it out then try and fix it which isn’t how it should be. It should work day one perfect.

It’s just like Call Of Duty that comes out and it’s always broken, then takes them three months to fix it and by that time everyone is thinking of the next Call Of Duty and starting to get bored of the latest one. But, yes, I can say I’m getting Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5 and I hope it’s as good as it looks, with no mess ups in it.

GC: What happens on December 10? The next gen versions have no release date yet.

Death’s Souls
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Why the cheers? I’ve just completed Death’s Door! While to many this will be a fairly unremarkable achievement, to me it is a real first. I found this a really difficult game to complete and it has comparisons, by your good selves, to Dark Souls. So that’s why the cheers.

I know I accepted the challenge to complete Dark Souls 3 and I have started, but I wanted to warm up the fingers and thumbs with something out of my comfort zone with that vibe, which this certainly was. It has also taught me a great deal that I will take into my Dark Souls 3 attempt. The lessons were patience and perseverance. Like many a gamer when things take a turn for the difficult in a game, I’ll put on the backburner never to be seen again.

You gave Death’s Door a playtime of around six to eight hours but it took me closer to 30. I died a lot, mostly through the lack of patience and trying to rush every situation but I persevered, learnt the attacks of the bosses, and beat them soundly. That big flash of DEATH at, funnily enough, dying is going to be etched in my brain for a long time!

I would definitely recommend this game to others. If you’re a Dark Souls veteran you’ll probably sail through it but too us less capable gamers it’s a good romp. And the time from dying to replaying is really quick! And a map would be helpful at times.
PS: I’m in the Firelink Shrine how should I upgrade my character?

GC: That’s a very complicated question but the wiki should help you. You’ve done well though, Deaths’ Door is certainly a difficult game, even if it isn’t as difficult as Dark Souls.

Dream on
Very good Reader’s Feature about Dreams at the weekend. It’s an amazing piece of software but Sony has done absolutely nothing to promote it since it was out. If it’s not going to be free they at least need some way to let people play the games without having to buy Dreams itself.

I have no idea why this wasn’t part of the design from the start, since it seems so obvious, but it’s meant the only people that ever see the games are those that are already part of the Dreams community. I bet 99% of ordinary PlayStation owners have no idea that game (or whatever you want to call it) even exists, which seems a total waste of what could be a killer app for any console if only it was given a bit of a push.

Out of the niche
Glad to hear that Quake is getting some love on its anniversary but I don’t expect that it will make much of a splash with ordinary gamers, many of who probably have no idea what it is. My hope though is that MachineGames’ involvement means that a new single-player focused game is on its way.

Quake is the king of arena-based shooters but that is not a style of game that has ever really been popular in the mainstream, with Halo 5 getting the closest. Maybe Halo Infinite will inject some interest through it being free. but I really don’t see Quake ever being up there with Call Of Duty and Battlefield, let alone Fortnite.

The single-player has been important in previous games in the franchise though and I’d love to see a return to the Lovecraftian tone of the original instead of the generic sci-fi of the later ones. MachineGames would be great at this, I feel, and could finally give the series some memorable characters and stories.

If they can add in a multiplayer too, that either they or someone else makes, then all the better but we need to get Quake out of the idea of just being a niche because it really deserves better than that.

Inbox also-rans
These anniversaries don’t usually get me but Devil May Cry is 20 years old? I think of that as a relatively ‘modern’ franchise but I guess the numbers don’t lie.

I just checked and it’s been six years since the last mainline Saints Row release, eight if you only count Saints Row 4. After all that time I really hope this reboot is going to be something special.

This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Simon Ashworth, who asks what video game reviews have you disagreed with the most over the years?

It can be one of ours, or from another source, but which one sticks out to you as being either too harsh or too lenient? What score would you have given the game in question and what elements do you think the review was wrong about and why?

In general, how accurate do you find the reviews you read to be and how important are they to your decision to purchase or play a game? What’s the best example of a review putting you onto a game you didn’t think you’d like or helping you avoid a game you later found out was no good?

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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE : Weekend Hot Topic, part 1: Favourite video game enemies

MORE : Weekend Hot Topic, part 2: Favourite video game enemies

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