This mother’s review of a dress was really a hilariously brutal review of her daughter

Over on the r/funny subreddit, u/bubblyelephants shared this screenshot of one of the funniest reviews on Amazon.

This is the dress, in case you were wondering.


Reddit users loved the mum’s brutally honest last-nerve response, and left comments of support.


I would actually read Amazon reviews instead of just looking at the number of stars given if more were this creative.


More prudent investment….five star review indeed




And people ask me why I don’t want kids.

We had a little look at the woman’s other reviews and thought you might enjoy this one.

‘I got hooked on a visit to the Cabot cheese factory in Vermont. I sampled all their products, and this is the best cheddar I’ve ever had.

I planned to put it out for family to enjoy at Christmas time, but I kept it all to myself. Those idiots can be satisfied with Cracker Barrel, I’m having some gourmet moments alone.’

I think we might have discovered why the 21-year-old is moody.


People loved this Irish pub’s response to this ‘no personality’ one-star review

Source r/funny Image r/funny, Amazon

The post This mother’s review of a dress was really a hilariously brutal review of her daughter appeared first on The Poke.

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