Looking to spruce up your garden?
We’ve got you covered with everything you need to show your outdoor space a little TLC this season.
From practical gardening gear to bright and beautiful plants to add a pop of colour to your flowerbeds, there’s something for you on this list.
If you’re really looking to step things up and you have room to do so, you can even invest in your own home away from home, conveniently located in your back garden – B&Q’s new cabin is sure to take outdoor entertaining to the next level.
Whatever you’re looking for, scroll on to discover the perfect picks for your garden.
Cabin fever

Outdoor entertaining is here to stay; customise your garden with B&Q’s new Rowlinson Cabin, a 19x10ft spacious cabin with a large open-yet-sheltered area for entertaining friends and family in the garden – it would be ideal for a hot tub, too.
£2,750, diy.com.
The Bees Knees

Foxgloves are one of the best-loved flowers for bumble bees – and a staple of the English cottage garden. They love slightly shady spots, so they’re perfect for adding colour to that tricky, dark border.
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea, 3 x 9cm pots, £15, waitrosegarden.com.
Cover up

Protect your clothes from sharp brambles and muddy soil with an apron – this
dark denim garden apron has lots of big pockets to store your secateurs and twine.
£20, shop.nationaltrust.org.uk.
Cut down to size

It’s time to do the ‘Chelsea chop’. If left to grow skyward, certain herbaceous – such as helenium, aster, Echinacea and phlox –can become tall and floppy. Cut them by down by half this month and you’ll get more side shoots and a strong compact plant that will actually produce more flowers. Use sharp, clean secateurs – we love these lime-green snips – and cut at a 45-degree angle.
£14, shop.nationaltrust.org.uk.
Waste not…

In May, garden waste starts to mount up, so why not make your own compost? Try to mix green waste (grass clippings, vegetable peelings, annual weeds etc) with brown waste (hedge clippings, plant stems, ripped up cardboard) for best results – we love this beehive-shaped composter that looks attractive in the garden.
£139.99, primrose.co.uk.
Slice of life

Patch Plants’ new outdoor citrus collection –including kumquats, lemons and calamondin – has launched in time for al-fresco drinks parties – you’ll never be short of lemons for your cocktails again.
Citrus collection, £55 a plant, patchplants.com.
Feet first

Perfect for digging in the border or gardening in the rain, these dark green bee-print ankle-boot Wellies are perfect for warmer days.
£45, sophieallport.com.
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MORE : Woman shares how she created her own vegetable garden with 5p Asda bargains
MORE : Set your garden up for summer with fresh furniture, water features, and planters
MORE : Dog-friendly plants to add to your garden and tips on how to care for them
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