Our 9 favourite reactions to the Scottish Tory leader’s cringeworthy homage to Atomic Kitten

Politicians have a habit of doing awkward and embarrassing things. They are, after all, human.

Who can forget seeing Theresa May dancing, for example, or Michael Gove jogging, or – indeed – Boris Johnson …

Rugby tackling a kid
Dangling from a zipwire
Rugby tackling a German opponent in a charity football match
Hiding in a fridge
Agreeing to have a journalist beaten up

…and all the other things too numerous to fit here?

It seems there’s been a similar outbreak of cringemania in Scottish politics, beginning with Scottish Labour leader Anwar Sarwar getting his groove on to Uptown Funk.

STV’s Colin Mackay asked the leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Douglas Ross, how he would handle a dance-off against Labour, and while he didn’t fully perform his chosen song, his response was still pretty cringeworthy.

“Not only can I sing the lyrics without the computer screen and I don’t need the words to it, I’ve made up my own actions to it and it just makes the whole performance.”

Three out of ten for commitment, ten out of ten for awkwardness.

Here are a few things Twitter had to say about it.










As for the dance-off – on current performance, Labour takes the trophy.

But you never know – Ross may have some additional moves up his sleeve.

via Gfycat


Theresa May dancing in South Africa is every bit as awkward as you’d expect – our 15 favourite comments

Source Colin Mackay Image Screengrab, Screengrab

The post Our 9 favourite reactions to the Scottish Tory leader’s cringeworthy homage to Atomic Kitten appeared first on The Poke.

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