How to structure your daily routine post-lockdown

Woman with diary
Accept there’s going to be an adjustment period (Picture: Getty)

With the roadmap out of lockdown firmly underway, our pace of life is about to get faster.

Commuting and all the other things you didn’t mind leaving behind in lockdown will be a feature of the collective daily routine again.

So you might be feeling like you’re short on time.

An adjustment period is normal – we’ve been living in an activity-limited and slow style for over a year, after all.

Dr Jane McNeill, who is a chartered psychologist at Clinical Partners, shares her tips for feeling more accepting of your reality day-to-day again.

‘Our daily lives have been so disrupted throughout the pandemic, so having a flexible routine can give us a sense of control over our day,’ she tells

‘Some of us will need to shift and change our routines once more if we need to get back to a faster pace of life again.’

The what’s, where’s, why’s and how’s

Before you set yourself unrealistic goals or expectations with your time, figure out first what the non-negotiables are.

‘What you need to do, where you need to go, when do you need to go, and how do you want to get there?,’ Dr Jane says you should ask yourself.

Then once you can see what’s left, figure out how you want to spend the day.

‘Take some time to think it through and then you can plan your day, your week and your month,’ she adds.

This way you’re going to plan things that are more achievable in your timeframe and avoid the guilt of being ‘unproductive’ later.

Remember to have self-compassion

Accept that, as with every new schedule, it takes time to get it looking and feeling right.

In the process of getting there, be kind to yourself if plans are initially too ambitious or you feel you let some things fall by the wayside.

‘Many of us will be needing to adjust to a busier lifestyle,’ says Dr Jane. ‘While some might find this exciting, others may find it daunting, and some of you may be just in the middle.

‘Whichever feels most relatable, try to ensure you retain some time for yourself as change can be tiring or stressful for some, and exhilarating for others.  

‘Whatever it is for you, you will be expending energy that may have become unfamiliar.’

Get the right amount of sleep

In the rush to become sociable again, don’t forget to block in time to rest.

But we also need to consider any bad habits stopping us from being able to drift off.

‘Spending more time than necessary in bed is generally unhelpful and can stop us from sleeping when we need to,’ Dr Jane says.

She adds: ‘If you find yourself worrying and ruminating about negative thoughts at night, try to disengage from them.

‘If you need worry time, take 20 minutes out of your daytime to write down your worries and do some problem-solving.’

Find a sense of achievement

If something became a feature of your day during lockdown that you enjoyed, try to keep it in your routine.

It might be a lunchtime walk, reading in the morning, or nightly yoga.

Even if there’s less time for it, find a way to work it in to some degree.

‘During the day, try to spend around 15 minutes a day doing something you enjoy doing that gives you that dopamine boost, or something you’ve been putting off doing for a while,’ Dr Jane advises.

‘This can be anything; everyone is different.

‘Make a list of things that give you a sense of purpose and take the time to do them.’

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