Are house raffles a legitimate way to get on the property ladder or a scam filled with loopholes?

The property market has become so skewed towards those with large amounts of money that it feels impossible to get on the ladder without a windfall – or a stroke of luck.

According to the Land Registry, the average house price in the UK currently sits at £239,196, up 2.5% in the last year.

Looking at London specifically, Zoopla found that this is £666,842 – up 4.85% in the last year.

With a 10% deposit setting people back up to £67,000, you can see how bleak the situation is for wannabe homeowners. Salaries are stagnating, and coming up with that kind of money is not an option for most of us.

Post-2008 recession, lenders have been wary to give mortgages to those with low deposits, meaning those looking to get on the property ladder have to save a large amount before even considering buying.

Similarly, since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, banks have lowered their borrowing limits and are treading carefully when lending to those who may be furloughed or have the potential to be laid off.

With this in mind, it’s understandable that people have turned to alternative methods to acquire a home of their own, and raffles allowing people to win houses have flourished.

Competition site Loquax currently shows 46 open competitions to win a home, with ticket costs ranging from free to £91, and houses in locations from Gateshead to Kenya.

While they may seem like a literal dream ticket to get your name on a deed, they’re not always as clear-cut as they seem on the surface.

Firstly, there’s the issue of how many of these competitions sell enough tickets to come to completion.

Looking at Loquax’s list of closed competitions, the results are disheartening. In one Florida holiday home competition ‘only 350 tickets were sold from 45,000’ and in another that offered a £1.1 million house (as well as an Aston Martin car and boat) as the prize, ‘they failed to sell enough tickets and an undisclosed cash sum was awarded’.

This is a recurring theme with closed competitions; cash prizes awarded when ticket sales fail to reach the full cost price of the home.

These cash alternatives vary considerably depending on which competition you enter.

WinMyDreamHome, for example, advertises at the bottom of their homepage that if the 140,000 allocated tickets are not sold, ‘60% of all ticket sales income will be awarded to the lucky winner.’

Marc Gershon, who says he started the raffle scheme as part of a property development company to raise money for Great Ormond Street and to offer opportunities for homeownership to those who couldn’t normally afford it tells ‘We make all the prizes and terms very clear in our marketing and website so that if we do not sell sufficient tickets to give the house/flat away, all our clients know what the prize will be.’

They’ve recently added a new update to their homepage that shows what the cash alternative stands at when you buy your ticket, saying: ‘This way our clients know from the outset what the minimum prize they are entering for will be.’

Benno Spencer, who runs Raffle House, told that their strategy in the event of low sales has not needed to be used just yet, as their last competition sold out. However, he says: ‘If we don’t sell out, we can either extend the competition with a mind to then award it or award a 90% cash-prize and close the property competition.’

According to the Advertising Standards Authority, ‘prizes must be awarded as described in the ad, or a reasonable equivalent.’

A reasonable equivalent is a grey area, but a spokesperson from the Gambling Commission told us: ‘Stating that a significantly lower prize will be awarded (such as 70% of the value of tickets sold) if insufficient numbers of tickets are sold is not considered a “reasonable equivalent” given that the reason for entering the competition is to win a particular house, or at least to win a prize of equivalent value.’

Therein lies the issue. Would you have paid your £5 or £10 per ticket to enter the competition, had you known the prize wouldn’t be the home you’d entered for?

The ASA has upheld a number of complaints where winners were offered far less than the stated prize amount, and has told raffle companies to be clearer in future to avoid penalties.

In other instances, sites were closed down completely, with ticket sales refunded.

Gambling Commission had 43 reports in relation to house ‘lotteries’ in 2017 – only six of which had no further action taken against them.  In 2018, the unit received 45 reports – with just seven receiving no further action from the Commission. 

The terms and conditions do often state the prize if ticket sales targets aren’t met – and companies such as WinMyDreamHome have made a point of transparency. But with so many of these competitions out there, it’s difficult for people to know which sites are fair and legitimate.

If you placed a bet at a bookmakers, you’d be given the odds and have the ability to stick with those odds if you win.

As with many lotteries or raffles, this isn’t the case when you enter to buy a house. The odds are dependent on how many tickets are sold. Shorter odds mean a better chance of winning (but potentially more chance of winning an ‘alternative’ prize) while longer at least meant the competition will results in somebody winning a house – even if it’s less likely to be you.

Both Benno and Marc emphasise that the odds of winning (even if the ticket threshold is reached – or exceeded for WinMyDreamHome) are better than competitions like the National Lottery

For perspective, your chances of winning the Lotto jackpot is 1 in 45,057,474. However, you may have a 1 in 9.3 chance of winning any prize when entering a house raffle.

The odds for a small competition could be closer to 1 in around 30,000, depending on the number of tickets sold.

Because odds change based on tickets sold, the consumer knowledge of what the chances are of winning a home may not be clear – and some don’t know their options for entering such competitions.

There are so many different rules and regulations these competitions need to follow (including whether they call themselves a lottery or a prize competition) that it can be difficult to spot which companies are operating within the law.

For example, a lottery must be run for good causes, while a prize competition can be run for profit, but ‘the element of skill, knowledge or judgment in a competition must prevent a significant proportion of people from taking part or a significant proportion of people who do take part from receiving a prize’. 

This rule can be subverted with a question many of us might deem ‘easy’, such as ‘In which city is Buckingham Palace?’

To get around being a lottery, prize competitions are also required to have a ‘no purchase necessary’ entry route available, so you don’t need to pay to play.

How clear this route is for the average customer is an important factor in whether competitions meet ASA and Gambling Commission conditions.

For example, on the Omaze competition site (who declined to comment for this piece), the postal entry route is shown alongside options to buy tickets online. On Raffle House, ‘free postal entry’ is listed (albeit in smaller writing) above the paid-for buttons. On WinMyDreamHome, ‘see Terms and Conditions for free postal entry details’ is clear on the entry page.

We as consumers need to be aware that these options are available, rather than adopting a ‘scroll and accept’ mentality that we may have taken on when looking at other terms and conditions.

Raffles, lotteries, and competitions may feel like ‘a bit of fun’, but they often represent a form of ‘investment’ in people’s minds. For example, Aviva found that 13% of over-50 workers say they are relying on a lottery win to afford a comfortable retirement.

Putting an ‘attainable’ few pounds into a competition to win a home is something that many of us can do, while affording high deposit amounts to get on the property ladder isn’t accessible.

But, unlike putting that money into a secure account, there’s no guarantee that it’s going towards anything tangible. You might end up winning a house, but it also could be harming your financial situation as you pour money down the drain in pursuit of ‘luck’.

Dr Mark Griffiths, Chartered Psychologist and Director of the International Gaming Research Unit, and psychology professor at Nottingham Trent University tells that there are certain factors that make us more likely to gamble in this way.

Dr Griffiths says: ‘We know from lotteries that more people engage in playing the lottery is when there are rollovers, and the bigger the jackpot prize, the more likely people are to play.

‘It’s what we call an acquisitional factor getting people to gamble in the first place. Every single every single gambling activity has what we call structural characteristics or things like the stake size, the amount of the jackpot and the event frequency.’

According to his research, a large prize and a low stake are key structural characteristics for encouraging people to gamble.

‘What we tend to do when something is infinitesimally small but it’s negative, we minimise it, and if it’s something that might be positive we maximise it. What I mean by that is, if I told you that if I walked down the street in the street now there’s a one in 13,000 chance of me being hit by lightning. I would think “well that’s never gonna happen”.

‘But if you say there’s a one in 13,000 chance to be winning the lottery tonight I’ll be thinking “someone’s got to win it, why not me?”.’

Dr Griffiths states that these property raffles (or ‘lotteries’) are a form of gambling just like using slot machines or betting, and are a way for companies to make money in an almost game-like context that’s attractive to the customer.

Referring to the likes of freemium games (where you need to pay to play on) and loot boxes (mystery boxes where the price stays the same but the value of your prize is randomly determined) as examples of how the gambling landscape has shifted he says: ‘Gambling is just one of those economic mechanisms that people or companies have used in their products to help monetise and obviously get more money from that particular activity.’

Owner of the company Benno says: ‘Raffle House was founded in 2017 with the primary goal of giving Generation Rent a chance to own a home – something that many in that group can’t even dream of at the moment.’

Stability is what we enter in pursuit of, but the rise in these raffles is an indictment of just where we are in the property market.

Local Government Association housing spokesman Martin Tett said to The Guardian: ‘Home ownership remains a distant dream for most young people, with the high cost of the private rental sector meaning many are unable to save for a deposit to get on to the property ladder and face the prospect of being stuck renting into retirement.’

It’s obviously an attractive prospect to owners too. For example, Daniel Twenefour recently raffled off his own home in South London due to a sluggish property market amid coronavirus.

Perhaps these companies are finding new ways to make homeownership a reality for a group that may not find it by traditional means. But, for every person who wins a home, there are thousands who do not.

Unfortunately for private renters, raffles and competitions to win homes are barely a sticking plaster on the affordable housing crisis.

The companies we spoke to have both taken extensive legal advice ensuring that they’re in line with regulations, but the market is large (and growing). The number of cases investigated by regulatory bodies shows how often entrants may be placing their money in an unscrupulous or negligent business.

Although not unregulated as a whole, until someone reports one of these raffles for a breach they will not be probed.

Entering any competition or playing any lottery needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. A ‘cheeky flutter’ that costs a few pounds is one thing, but expecting it to be the answer to all of our problems (and to be without flaws) is not realistic.

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