9 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks we’ve seen this week

Here are 9 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks we’ve spotted from the last seven days.

We begin this week with Madonna and her response to this woman who criticised her calls for gun control.

1. ‘HELP’


2. ‘These are not the socialist flag burning tweets that you are looking for’


3. ‘Clown incoming’


4. ‘Pick me, pick me!’


5. ‘Anti vaxxer pretends to be educated’


6. ‘Girls have ankles too’


7. ‘AmeRicA WaS nOT StArtEd by PrOtesToRS!’


8. ‘Didn’t see that coming’


9. ‘Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong’


And finally (readers of a mildly sensitive disposition, look away now …)

‘Man down, Man down!’



17 hilariously petty ways people took revenge on their loved one

Image YouTube screengrab

The post 9 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks we’ve seen this week appeared first on The Poke.

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