Lockdown isn’t just boring, a year of it could have altered our brains

Boredom is something everyone feels, but it’s been more of a constant since Covid hit and we’ve been stuck indoors.

The last year has been one of ‘finding things to do’ – whether that’s making sourdough or going for long walks – just to stay occupied, as all of our usual social pursuits were taken off the table for months on end.

Rather than just being a dull time, though, this could have long-term impact on the way our brains function.

‘Boredom is a type of stress, especially with people with underlying conditions, like anxiety, like ADHD, depression. Those people in particular are under huge stress from boredom,’ says Dementech psychiatrist Dr Helmy.

‘As with any stress, boredom increases cortisol in the brain, especially in the area called the hippocampus. In the hippocampus and amygdala area is most of our memory.

‘People under these kinds of stress are prone to be more anxious, more depressed, and it can affect everyday activities.’

A rise in cortisol has been linked to numerous health issues, including rapid weight gain, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, and mood swings. It can even stop periods.

Extremely high levels of cortisol along with adrenaline can also trigger something called an amygdala hijack, where your fight or flight response is set off and you experience symptoms similar to a panic attack, such as a rapid heartbeat and a loss of rational thinking.

The levels of stress experienced will be worse for certain people than it is for others, depending on their circumstances – for example, if they live alone or don’t have a strong support network.

Looking at an instance of boredom in the extreme – solitary confinement in prisons – there’s a wealth of evidence that a long-term lack of stimulation can both create mental health issues or exacerbate them in those already presenting symptoms.

The amygdala and hippocampus are responsible for memory and processing emotions (Picture: Getty)

One study by the Washington Journal of Law and Policy claimed that detainees kept in solitary confinement for long periods showed: ‘An agitated confusional state which, in more severe cases, had the characteristics of a florid delirium, characterised by severe confusional, paranoid, and hallucinatory features, and also by intense agitation and random, impulsive, often self-directed violence.’

They added: ‘Solitary confinement often resulted in severe exacerbation of a previously existing mental condition. Even among inmates who did not develop overt psychiatric illness as a result of solitary confinement, such confinement almost inevitably imposed significant psychological pain.’

Similarly, we can look at the outcomes of so-called ‘crack babies’ in the midst of the crack cocaine epidemic of the 80s and 90s in the US.

The effects of of prenatal cocaine exposure – said to be devastating – were wildly exaggerated, with John Silber, the former president of Boston University stating ‘”crack babies” won’t ever achieve the intellectual development to have consciousness of God.’

One Rolling Stone article from 1999 comments: ‘Normal babies crave contact with other human beings. They love to be looked at, sung to and held…

‘Crack babies aren’t all that fond of faces… Actually, any human contact can overwhelm a crack baby.’

Caregivers were advised to avoid making too much eye contact with the babies, and, in some hospitals, devices were used to feed babies’ bottles in lieu of them being held, as it was believed this overstimulated the newborns.

Later research found that many of the behavioural problems experienced by these children in life were not due to exposure to crack cocaine in the womb, but potentially because of the lack of touch and interaction they had.

Dr Helmy agrees that interaction and changes of scenery are important factors in people’s health. He says: ‘Definitely the long term effects of boredom in both groups [prisoners and the wider population] will have a deleterious effect on the future, and affect their mental wellbeing.’

Although these are extreme examples of boredom and loneliness, it shows how catastrophic a lack of stimulation can be to the mind.

We don’t notice what’s going on in our brains, instead noticing feelings or physical symptoms sparked by them. One of those symptoms you might notice during a period of prolonged boredom is tiredness.

‘Feelings comprising the experience of boredom were almost consistently those of restlessness combined with lethargy,’ says one journal entry, which highlights the juxtaposition between these two feelings.

On one hand you’re ‘doing nothing’, but on the other hand you’re exhausted. That then leads to guilt, because you’re burning out but you don’t feel you should be.

Research from Japan and China shows that the reason for this tiredness is because of the nucleus accumbens, one part of the brain that influences motivation and pleasure. Tests showed that if this region is not stimulated, the brain sends signals to the body to fall asleep.

It stands to reason that it’s a vicious cycle, with people feeling guilt about spending the days in bed, then missing out on the chance to remedy their boredom and lethargy because they’re so tired.

To reduce the boredom, you need to do something out of your routine (Picture: Getty)

Dr Helmy says that he’s seen a number of patients relapse with addiction or behavioural problems over the last year.

‘In someone with preexisting anxiety and depression, [boredom] may be a triggering factor to another relapse or another episode,’ he says.

‘In people with ADHD, because of the boredom, they may see behaviour problems, problems between families, with partners, and maybe separation and divorce.’

He adds that those with addiction problems may see these exacerbated due to the lack of a routine.

‘We have seen many clients who’ve relapse during this period of Covid – because of the lack of structure of time – into alcohol and substance abuse.’

In some ways, he believes that the lockdown may have been a positive in helping people decide to access treatment, with the extra time they’ve had to reflect (as well as the social media focus on symptoms of conditions such as ADHD) giving them a new view on their mental state.

Dr Helmy says: ‘Now, people are at home become bored and see lots of problems. Then they have time to look at talks regarding that, like certain people raise awareness, and then they read about the symptoms and say “Oh, it’s me”.’

Another positive to take from this ‘boring’ time is that it could up your creativity. Scientists have found that the brain has something called a Default Neural Network (DMN) that stays on even when you’re not ‘actively’ thinking.

Studies on the DMN have found that boredom ‘represents a failure to engage executive control networks when faced with a monotonous task—in other words, when the task demands some level of engagement (watch the movie, search for infrequent targets), but is so mundane that attempts to do so fail’.

That means you need to do something that isn’t mundane, repetitive, or similar to your usual routine to free yourself from the boredom rut.

While studying brainwaves in participants who were asked to do boring tasks, Sammy Perone, Washington State University assistant professor in the Department of Human Development, said: ‘We had one person in the experiment who reported mentally rehearsing Christmas songs for an upcoming concert.

‘They did the peg turning exercise to the beat of the music in their head. Doing things that keep you engaged rather than focusing on how bored you are is really helpful.’

Support networks are also vital, says Dr Helmy: ‘Having someone to speak with. someone to interact with, will help you to make take your emotions out, to ventilate more. It will also distract you from the stresses around you, and leave you less time to be alone focusing on boredom and fear.’

Although most aren’t able to conjure a new support network overnight, reaching out to others (even if that’s calling a helpline or chatting with people online) is important to break up monotony.

Using social media to check up on the news, though, should be avoided as this feeds into that cortisol response to stress in your brain, making everything feel worse (something called a ‘negative feedback loop’).

‘Whatever level of stress, it increases the cortisol in the brain. And that’s the main problem. If someone is prone to anxiety and depression, they will definitely develop it,’ says Dr Helmy.

‘That’s why that’s why we also advise our clients who have a problem with anxiety, depression, stress, whatever, to please avoid using Facebook, the news, and looking at numbers and cases and tragedies. Try to avoid seeing this news, at least for a time period.’

Try to look at excessive boredom as a symptom rather than a problem in itself. Are you sluggish and tired all the time, and can’t find enjoyment in the things you used to?

This might be a perfectly natural reaction to a forced unnatural lifestyle, and should abate once we’re back in the ‘real world’ once again.

Once you’ve changed the external factors and tried to do something different (taking a walk somewhere new, making a new meal, starting a craft project), if that feeling persists it may be more than the pandemic.

A sense of numbness is often a signifier of depression, so speak to your GP if you’re struggling with this.

While we’re all experiencing collective boredom, stress, and longing for our old lives, feeling like this day-in and day-out is not normal (even in a worldwide health crisis).

Taking steps to heal our damaged minds is a must if we want to recover from the year of boredom we’ve been through.

The Year That Changed Us

The past year has been... weird, to put it lightly.

12 months of living with Covid-19, from the restrictions on our old way of life, to going in and out of lockdown, to being confronted by the reality of death and illness, is bound to have radically changed us.

We may never go back to the way we were before.

Our series, The Year That Changed Us explores all the ways we've been impacted by the pandemic and how these effects will stick with us long-term, from our friendships to the nation's mental health.

You can read the full series here.

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MORE : A year of Covid-19 has made us lonelier – now’s the time for connection

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