Emmerdale spoilers: Funeral shock, death tragedy and huge sex disaster

Nate, Faith, Charity, Noah, Kim and Wendy in Emmerdale
The aftermath of the tragedy isn’t the only thing to get tongues wagging in Emmerdale next week (Picture: ITV)

Emmerdale’s huge stunt week sends shockwaves through the eponymous village, as the residents come to terms with what’s transpired.

A policeman shows up, truths are revealed, and Charles Anderson (Kevin Mathurin) receives an odd funeral request.

The question is: who died in the disaster?

Bob Hope (Tony Audenshaw), meanwhile, is desperate to woo Wendy Posner (Susan Cookson), but his efforts to do drastically backfire.

Charity Dingle (Emma Atkins) makes it her mission to reconcile with her kids, and while Noah (Jack Downham) is willing to give her another chance, Sarah Sugden (Katie Hill) is, however, not!


Monday April 5

Bob and Wendy in Emmerdale
Bob’s efforts to impress Wendy backfire dramatically (Picture: ITV)

A policeman arrives in the village to ask some questions in the aftermath of last week’s tragedy.

Bob opens up to Dan, revealing that he and Wendy have yet to consummate their relationship. Dan encourages him to make a move, and Bob does just that, but he does so in an incredibly unsubtle fashion! Wendy therefore makes her excuses and leaves, leaving Bob fearing he’s overstepped the mark!

Tuesday April 6

Charity is determined to make amends with her children, and she’s surprised and elated when Noah decides to give her another chance. Sarah, however, well that’s another story…

Charles turns Andrea down when he asks her for a drink, but Ethan urges him to reconsider.

Dan pops over to visit Wendy, and he offers to fix her car for free. Bob, still awkward following the previous night’s events, is jealous to see his pal getting along so well with Wendy.

Wendy makes the pair of them dinner, but when Bob is called into work, he’s unnerved at the prospect of leaving Dan and Wendy alone together!

Wednesday April 7

Charity in Emmerdale
Charity’s attempts to make amends don’t go as planned (Picture: ITV)

Noah, having made amends with Charity, decides to intervene where Sarah is concerned, and sets up a chance meeting between the two. Unfortunately, it dramatically backfires.

Charles reconsiders Andrea’s offer of a drink, leaving her elated. He starts to connect with Andrea over said drink, but Manpreet, present in the Woolpack, is riddled with jealousy!

Dan drops in on Wendy again, and when Bob returns to find the two playing cards, his jealousy piques, and he confronts the situation head on.

Thursday April 8 Part One

The truth starts to emerge… and there is great upset as a result.

Bob asks Wendy where they stand, but what will she have to say?

Meena, meanwhile, isn’t too pleased about Charles and Andrea’s chemistry, and therefore she starts to stir.

Ryan, determined to reunite his family, tells Charity she needs to show Sarah she can be dependable.

Faith takes over, leaving Tracy feeling like she’s lost control in her own home.

Thursday April 8 Part Two

Brenda and Faith come to blows, leaving both somewhat hurt. Eric is, as ever, caught in the crossfire, but as he comforts Brenda, his mind wanders to Faith.

Friday April 9

Gabby and Kim in Emmerdale
Gabby is concerned for Kim, but the reason why remains unknown (Picture: ITV)

Charles is left confused by upcoming funeral arrangements. Let’s just say, they’re not what you might deem to the be the norm!

Faith decides to make the best of the opportunities presented to her, but will she turn things around.

Gabby, meanwhile, is concerned for Kim.

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