![monthly tarotscope for all star signs - March 2021](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/FEB_HOROSCOPE01-c7f3.gif?w=1024)
Get prepped for the month ahead with your horoscope for March 2021.
Below, you’ll find each star sign’s tarotscope forecast for March, focusing on the three tarot cards that have been drawn and diving into what they mean for your month ahead.
We’ve also recommended one essential message to take with you for the next few weeks.
For Aries, for example, it’s all about cutting ties and moving forward freed of these burdens.
Virgos, meanwhile, should get excited to take on a new (and big) project.
Read on for your star sign’s monthly forecast.
What star sign are you?
- Aries: March 21 to April 20
- Taurus: April 21 to May 21
- Gemini: May 22 to June 21
- Cancer: June 22 to July 23
- Leo: July 24 to August 23
- Virgo: August 24 to September 23
- Libra: September 24 to October 23
- Scorpio: October 24 to November 22
- Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21
- Capricorn: December 22 to January 21
- Aquarius: January 22 to February 19
- Pisces: February 20 to March 20
![aries star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/ARIES01-6aaa.png?w=1024)
Tarot cards for March: Ten of Swords, Knight of Coins, The Chariot
Meaning: Cut ties and move on.
Cutting your losses to protect your own best interests is on the March Menu, so get ready to see something (or someone) toxic disappear in your rear-view mirror.
The Ten of Swords is the key card here, and represents you waving adios to burdens and baggage. Something that has become difficult and draining needs to be released from your life, and you’re ready to cut those ties.
The Chariot is a powerful card about journeys and progress, fuelled by intention and ambition, so this represents you moving onwards and upwards. A journey or location could be part of this.
The Knight of Coins reveals this is about guarding your best interests. You are feeling protective about your goals and pathway, and suspecting that maybe not everyone has good intentions towards you. That’s life.
We all have to put our guard up sometimes, and leave people, or situations, behind that make us feel exposed to ill will. Onwards, Aries, because you deserve the best.
![taurus star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/TAURUS01-155a.png?w=1024)
Tarot cards for March: Ten of Coins, Knight of Cups, Queen of Wands)
Meaning: Align your love life to your desires.
On the one hand, you are a complete romantic (the Knight of Cups) and are a sucker for love, passion, sexy characters, and forbidden affairs.
On the other hand (the Ten of Coins) you yearn for security, stability, knowing where you stand, and having a solid, forever-after relationship to lean on. Maybe you can have both, but maybe not.
It’s time to reckon up what IS most important you, and act accordingly, Taurus. The Queen of Wands hustles in to ask you to be direct, to know yourself and your needs, and to align your actions with that.
You can’t play both sides of the coin. If you had to choose right now, would it be the high-octane passion and an intense affair, or a longer-lasting, loyal and loving commitment? And does that match with your current situation?
Assess the reality, and act accordingly to move closer to the love life you desire. Only you can make these decisions, and moves.
Tarot cards for March: Two of Coins, Four of Cups, Six of Swords
Meaning: Shake it up
Of all of the zodiac signs, you are the easiest bored. You can lose your focus in a nano-second if you’re not being stimulated by what’s in front of you. So, the variety-loving, plate-spinning Two of Coins and the boredom card Four of Cups are well suited to this trait.
They mean you are in danger of overlooking the gifts and advantages sat right under your nose this month, they mean you’re going to feel a bit edgy and frustrated by the everyday schedule.
We all get a bit meh about things. Life is a routine, sometimes it is like Groundhog Day (especially now), and that gets to you more than most.
Hang in there, Gemini. The Six of Swords says it might be time to move on to new hobbies, connections, activities, and priorities. Shake it up a bit. These are growing pains and they serve to tell you that you need new news and fresh landscape to grow into.
So, cut a few ties, add a few new entries, and hustle to break up that routine. Doing so will make you appreciate the things you’ve been taking for granted recently. You will feel better immediately.
![cancer star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/CANCER01-da6d.png?w=1024)
Tarot cards for March: The Emperor, The Hermit, Eight of Swords
Meaning: Self awareness.
It’s like a lightbulb has lit up in your brain, illuminating the exact ways you’ve been getting in your own way and, happily, the ways you can get out of it, so you can make progress.
The Emperor and The Hermit are powerful agents of enlightenment and focus. They combine to bring you a massive a ha moment, and the Eight of Swords shows it is all about a self-limiting belief or behaviour that, frankly, you finally see for what it is, and resolve to never fall prey to it again. This is major.
We all project our internal fears outwards, making excuses, putting up barriers, acting like it’s impossible to change… when maybe, deep down, we know we do a lot of the damage to ourselves.
You are through with all of that. You can see your self-sabotage clearly, you are totally empowered to change this habit, and you will reap the rewards immediately. This is a game-changing insight, and help you feel bolder, and more confident, than ever before.
![leo star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/LEO01-6181.png?w=1024)
Tarot cards for March: Knight of Swords, Ace of Coins, Ace of Wands
Meaning: Turn over a new leaf
Two Aces this month, Leo, so you are all about a new beginning. Coins and Wands hint this is to do with your material world – work, money, property or assets, health.
You are going to start a new routine, role or activity that has enormous benefits, is inspiring, and will improve your prospects and rewards steadily over time. This is not a wham-bam thing, this is an evolution, something you invest in and reap the benefits down the line.
The Knight of Swords shows this is something you have thought through properly, and also that you might have to initially push yourself into. Just a nudge.
There is a barrier of sorts in the way, a threshold to entry, and you have to overcome it to get onto this path (it could be an application, a test, a payment, a tough lifestyle change).
Know that, whatever it is, you can do it. This is something you are meant to be doing, and the Universe is backing you. Nothing can stop you, Leo, get to it.
![virgo star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/VIRGO01-a26e.png?w=1024)
Tarot cards for March: Ten of Wands, Four of Wands, Two of Wands
Meaning: A big project
Some big decisions have mounted up into a bit of a procrastination snowball that threatens to avalanche you, if you are not on the case with making the choices you need to focus on.
The Two and Ten of Wands point to this build-up of unmade choices. You have let things slide – maybe by doing more and more research, maybe seeking a ‘perfect’ option that just doesn’t exist.
Paralysis is still paralysis, even when it comes from good intentions. The issue is that life just keeps on bringing more and more choices, and you’re starting to get overwhelmed.
OK, sit down, breathe. The Four of Wands shows you can cut through all this noise with a nice list, outlining what is outstanding and zooming in on what will make the biggest difference. Prioritise the important/urgent stuff, and whip through it today.
It doesn’t matter if your outcomes are aren’t perfect, it matters that things are moving again.
All of this is fixable, you just need to commit to tackling it, and reducing the in folder on your life desk. Less is more.
![libra star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/LIBRA01-ca8d.png?w=1024)
Tarot cards for March: Seven of Cups, Three of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune
Meaning: Say yes
A lucky break (or several, in fact) is heading your way this March, Libra, so make sure you are alert and ready to act upon new, and sometimes fleeting, opportunities.
The Wheel of Fortune shows a change in your fortunes is coming, and it will all turn out well in the end, but there might be the odd hiccup, so don’t panic if things go awry or not how you’d hoped for initially. Just keep riding that wheel.
The Three of Wands shows that fast and positive opportunities are swirling all around you this month, and you just need to be proactive and hop on board with them. Say ‘yes’, in short.
The Seven of Cups shows your only barrier to make the most of this flurry of good fortune is if you live in your own head too much. You know what I mean, Libra. You can overthink, and spend hours deliberating and analysing, instead of jumping in and learning on the job. More of the latter, please. Live and learn.
![scorpio star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/SCORPIO01-6cef.png?w=1024)
Tarot cards for March: Four of Swords, Four of Wands, Strength
Meaning: Focus on the big things
Less is more, right now, Scorpio. Focus. Prioritise. Zoom in on the big rock~, and make sure they get done first, because everything else can slide. If you don’t fit the big rocks into the jar first, ahead of the little rocks, then they don’t fit in at all.
The Fours of Swords and Wands combine to tell you that if you focus on your big ambitions, the rest will just fall into place around them.
You can’t do everything, and be everything, and have everything. You can’t be anything you want, but you can be everything you are.
Strength shows this month is empowering and resilience-building for you, by adapting to this big rocks first way of managing your time and energy. You’re used to trying to cram it all in, and it’s a release to just focus on the important things.
You are, as a result, about to go further faster than you ever thought possible.
![sagittarius star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/SAGITTARIUS01-296a.png?w=1024)
Tarot cards for March: Judgment, Justice, Queen of Swords
Meaning: Share the wisdom
Many people simply don’t realise what a philosopher and deep thinker you truly are, Sagittarius. But they will get a wake-up call on that front this month when you share a home truth or wisdom with them that puts a whole new light on things.
The Queen of Swords shows you taking the lead in thinking something through, and analysing events, in a different way, entirely of your own perspective and judgment.
Justice and Judgment hint this is a past event that caused trouble, maybe amongst family or at work or within your love life. It remains unfinished business with echoes that affect dynamics and relationships to this day. It has never really healed or been sorted out properly.
Hindsight is a powerful tool, and you’re using it to get perspective and understanding of what happened, why, and what it means now.
When you share your thoughts, people will be amazed, grateful, and prepared to act on them. What you say will change the way this event is viewed, and what happens next.
![capricorn star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/capricorn-2-f17b.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=644)
Tarot cards for March: The Hierophant, King of Coins, Page of Wands
Meaning: Independence
You are really pondering whether you should go your own way, and head off from the rest of the pack. What’s stopping you, Cap? Of all of the star signs, you’re strong and resilient and shrewd enough to stand alone, and thrive.
The Hierophant and Page of Wands reflect this inner turmoil about staying or going. You are not entirely in tune with the flock you’re currently flocking with (be that at work, home or with friends).
You’ve been loyal for a long time, but your values and future ambitions are not really lining up with theirs. But is it enough to justify a split?
The King of Coins says… yes. You can do it, you can make it, you can handle it, and you can come though this on top.
It’s safe to stick with the crowd, and go along with things, but it will continue to eat at you, because you know, deep down, this isn’t really you any more.
Start making your own plans my friend, it’s time to show the world what you got.
Tarot cards for March: Eight of Coins, Five of Wands, Seven of Coins
Meaning: A leftfield turn
You are known for being assertive, independent, and innovative (hey, maybe a little eccentric). You are about to prove all of those assumptions right this March, because the Seven of Coins sees you going off on a tangent, taking an unexpected leftfield turn towards a new horizon. Something that no one saw coming.
The root cause of it is dissatisfaction with a path you’ve been on for a long time, invested a great deal into, and put much effort towards. The rewards have not panned out as you hoped for, and it’s time to call it quits and try something different.
The easy way would be to just carry on, because it’s not all bad, and you’re getting some reward. You know, however, that it’s not good enough.
The Eight of Coins tells you to use your story-so-far as the platform to leap from. Don’t throw away all of your skills and hard work, because you can adapt them for something new – something bigger and better.
The Five of Wands points to the growing pains you’ve felt, that will be the catalyst for this change of course. It’s time to act.
![pisces star sign](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/PISCES01-59ad.png?w=1024)
Tarot cards for March: Six of Wands, Knight of Cups, Four of Coins
Meaning: Love is in the air.
You are about to experience a welcome, and overdue, rekindling of your love life – a belated Valentine’s of sorts. Better late than never, right?
The Four of Coins shows how things have stalled a little in this area of your life, and you have felt stuck. Fear not, romantic Pisces, because the Knight of Cups is about to sweep into your world – sent by Cupid.
This means, if you’re single, a fellow Water sign (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) is on the cards, and will enter your life with a bang. The chemistry will be immediate and overwhelming. If you’re attached, then expect a big rekindling of the flames that flickered when you first met.
The Six of Wands shows that you deserve this happy love life, and it’s what the Universe wants for you. So, lean in and take a chance (ask them out, say hi, reconnect, arrange a Date Night), because your efforts will be warmly reciprocated. Cupid is helping you out, so use his good energy.
Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through her website.
Everything you need to know about your star sign
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