It’s impossible to say how rich Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is, because his wealth jumps so much per second, it’d be completely out of date by the time you read it. A ballpark figure, however, is something approaching $197 billion. yes, billion – with a b.
When news broke on Tuesday of his intention to step down from his current position to that of Executive Chairman, there were jokes there for the taking – and these nailed the delivery.
Jeff Bezos is stepping down as CEO of Amazon later this year. Or tomorrow, if you’re a member of Amazon Prime.
— paul bassett davies (@thewritertype) February 2, 2021
I hope they get him a leaving present and just dump it behind his bins.
— Nick Pettigrew (@Nick_Pettigrew) February 2, 2021
I hope Jeff will be OK. Pension provision in retail can be shocking.
— Luke Vandore-Mackay (@LukeMackayCooks) February 2, 2021
[Amazon Head Office]
JEFF BEZOS: Here is my resignation as CEO
BOARD MEMBER: Ok, thanks
JEFF BEZOS: I see you’ve liked my resignation. Perhaps you’d like these other resignations
— Todd 'Papi' Carlos (@TheToddWilliams) February 2, 2021
Jeff Bezos has stepped down from Amazon to pursue his true passion: Haunting an abandoned amusement park being investigated by stoners and their talking dog.
— MehGyver (@TheAndrewNadeau) February 2, 2021
can't believe jeff bezos is willing to go job hunting in this economy
— Justin “Hoops” McElroy (@JustinMcElroy) February 2, 2021
Jeff Bezos delivering his single-page letter of resignation
— Steve Blair (@UniversalExile) February 2, 2021
Jeff Bezos worked long, difficult hours for little pay to fulfill his lifelong dream of making other people work long, difficult hours for little pay.
— (@Sundae_Gurl) February 2, 2021
The post If you liked the news about Jeff Bezos resigning, you might also like these 15 funny reactions appeared first on The Poke.
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