Brexiter Kate Hoey is unhappy with the effects of Brexit on Northern Ireland – 11 exploding irony meters

Despite voting to remain in the EU, Northern Ireland had to leave along with the rest of the UK, bringing difficulties peculiar to the country.

As the only part of the UK with a land border with the EU, it would – under most circumstances – have had to erect a border between itself and the Republic of Ireland, but that would have been too reminiscent of the bad old days of what is described with world-class understatement as “The Troubles”.

As a compromise, a regulatory border exists between Great Britain and Northern Ireland – effectively a border in the sea – creating additional red tape for certain goods to move in or out – and much resentment.

Enter stage left, Kate Hoey – former Labour MP, current Peer of the Realm and one of the most vocal Brexiters of the Leave campaign.

tl;dr – This isn’t the Brexit I ordered. Bring me a fresh one – and I want to speak to your manager.

Tweeters had some thoughts on her intervention – not least that she might be in a glass house, lobbing stones all over the place.

Here are some more unconvinced responses.












Writer Nick Tolhurst had a suggestion for the baroness.


Kate Hoey said it’s not a ‘no deal’ Brexit just a ‘different kind of deal’ – 11 very funny takedowns

Source Sky News Image Screengrab

The post Brexiter Kate Hoey is unhappy with the effects of Brexit on Northern Ireland – 11 exploding irony meters appeared first on The Poke.

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