Your star sign’s tarotscope for February 2021

your star sign's monthly horoscope tarotscope forecast for February
Get ready for February (Picture: Getty/

What’s in store for the month ahead?

Below, you’ll find each star sign’s tarotscope for the month ahead, February 2021, highlighting the three tarot cards that have been drawn for your sign and delving into what these mean for you.

We’ve also recommended one key action you should take this month.

For Taurus, that’s addressing an old wound, while Gemini should approach February with an aim of renewal.

Read on for your star sign’s monthly forecast.

What star sign are you?

  • Aries: March 21 to April 20
  • Taurus: April 21 to May 21
  • Gemini: May 22 to June 21
  • Cancer: June 22 to July 23
  • Leo: July 24 to August 23
  • Virgo: August 24 to September 23
  • Libra: September 24 to October 23
  • Scorpio: October 24 to November 22
  • Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21
  • Capricorn: December 22 to January 21
  • Aquarius: January 22 to February 19
  • Pisces: February 20 to March 20


aries star sign horoscope
Romance may be ahead, Aries (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Seven of Swords, Ace of Cups, Nine of Wands

Meaning: A blossoming relationship.

A new relationship (possibly a friendship, but likelier a romantic vibe) is on the horizon with the irresistible and passionate Ace of Cups. This just feels right and you are, frankly, all in. You’ve probably already fallen for this person.

However, the Seven of Swords warns that not all is entirely as it seems, and that might be as much on your side as theirs.

Are you totally single right now? Or are you being completely honest? Are they?

Aries, you have a tendency to get carried away with things, and you need to just apply the brakes a little here and let things unfold at a natural (rather than breakneck) pace. Ask more questions, get to know them, keep your heart protected.

The Nine of Wands shows that you will discover whatever is being kept back, or they will, this month ahead and it will be releasing and positive. So, don’t keep secrets – your own or another’s.

This relationship can be what you want it to be (friendship or lovers), but not by rushing in without getting to know each other properly. Take your time. Enjoy the ride.


taurus star sign
Taurus, don’t shy away (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: The Lovers, Three of Swords, Two of Cups

Meaning: Address an old wound.

You face a big decision in your love life as shown by The Lovers, which hints at conflicting feelings and head versus heart choices. You aren’t sure what to do next, or how you truly feel.

The Three of Swords shows that the root cause of this disquiet is a betrayal or emotional wound, inflicted on you by another. It could be your current partner, and you’re working out how you can move past it. It could be from an ex, and you’re still dealing with its echoes. It could even be something in your childhood that never felt resolved, and still bothers you when the right trigger is pressed. Like now.

The Two of Cups shows that it is not necessarily the relationship itself which needs to go (although it might, if that’s what you finally decide), but the underlying issue causing the angst or conflict.

Work through how you feel, and why, and what can be healed or addressed now, and what just has to heal in its own time. Things can get back on track, but you can’t ignore what is happening. Tackle this emotional moment.


Gemini star sign
Gemini, this month is all about renewal (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Ace of Swords, Five of Coins, Ace of Cups

Meaning: Renewal.

Sometimes it takes a while for the penny to drop, especially when we’re hurt and we try to avoid facing that pain, or put on a brave face and try to brush past it quickly (which is a typical Gemini response to anything tricky).

The Five of Coins and Ace of Swords combine to see you finally understanding the root cause, truth, and life lesson from an old event that really rocked your world – like one of those before versus after events.

Up to now, you’ve skated around it and never really got to the bottom of what happened, it remains unfinished business.

This event can’t hurt you anymore, so take your time in looking at it again. There is so much wisdom to be had from truly understanding something that changed us, shocked us, upset us. The truths from hardships endured is invaluable, and you’re now ready to receive this gift, and use it.

The Ace of Cups shows that this new-found self-awareness will unlock an important door in your current relationships- romantic and otherwise.

You will feel grateful for the life lesson, and even more so for the people you have in your life now, and the chance to rebuild and renew your life. You will feel wiser and surer of yourself, and so excited to get busy living and making the most of what you have built in your life. You did well. You came back from it.


cancer star sign
Cancer, prepare for some tough decisions (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Four of Coins, Seven of Cups, Seven of Coins

Meaning: Crossroads ahead.

People often say that if you’re in a rut, it will take twice as long to get out of it as it took to get into it. Sounds off-putting, right?

It’s no surprise that it’s easier to just stick as you are, even if you know you’re bored and you need to broaden your horizons.

Cancer, the Four of Coins shows that this rut is not budging, and the longer you stay here, the harder it will get to break away. But, the way out doesn’t have to be slow or boring or painful- nope not at all.

The Seven of Coins shows you have now reached the crossroads, and you are readier than you think to take a new and exciting pathway, a surprising one, a change in direction that no one around you will see coming. Do it! Shock everyone! Take the road less travelled.

How will you know what that is? The Seven of Cups shows it’s a daydream you have, a vision, a fantasy. You write it off as silly or unachievable, but it isn’t.

Now is the time to make it happen. Break out of the rut by running towards a dream that truly makes you feel alive and excited. Anything is possible, you’ve waited long enough, it’s time to act.


leo star sign
There could be a major career opportunity ahead, Leo (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Ten of Coins, Strength, Eight of Wands

Meaning: Career opportunity.

A major career opportunity is on the horizon, and it comes about through your bustling network, as shown by the communicative Eight of Wands.

The Ten of Coins shows that this is the kind of job that leads to success and wealth, long-term, so it’s absolutely worth investing some effort this month in looking for it.

Shake the network tree and see what drops out. Reconnect with old colleagues, update your social media, chime in with forums, apply for something you wouldn’t normally dare to. There is opportunity to be had from connecting with others, and catching up with those you already know in the work world.

Strength shows this might take a little while to happen or unfold; maybe because it’s a major role, it has a longer application process, or there might even be some study or prolonged assessment.

Strength shows this will be the making of you, so enter the process with confidence, knowing it’s all preparing you for the prosperous next level that you’re more than ready for.


virgo star sign
Virgo, get ready for a big project (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Four of Wands, Ten of Wands, Queen of Wands

Meaning: A big project.

A trio of Wands cards this month, so it’s all about action, activity, energy and passion. You are ready to manifest something and make it work hard for you, because there shouldn’t be pain without gain, right? Right.

The Ten of Wands reminds you not to overdo things, however, and organise your time around the big rocks (if you don’t fit them in the jar first, you will never fit them in at all), and let the little rocks slide.

You have only got so much energy, my friend – conserve it wisely. The Queen of Wands nudges you to play a bold hand, take a risk, be dynamic and brave. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone, because that is where the rewards are waiting.

The Four of Wands is a clue that this is all linked to your job, health or home. And your hard work will pay off with stunning results, so the more focused effort you invest here, the better the outcome.

Pick a project, an inspiring one, and set to on it this month. Give it your all, and the results will amaze you.


libra star sign
Libras, a reunion is on the cards (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: King of Coins, Six of Cups, King of Cups

Meaning: A reunion.

The vibes that these cards emit is about, somehow, a reunion of some kind. Are you up for that? It sounds unlikely doesn’t it, given the restrictions and circumstances, but let me tell you: Memory lane is awaiting your attention, and I think it wants you to arrange or instigate some kind of reunion.

The King of Coins sees you taking the lead and getting practical about this. You want to make it happen, so you will. Libra, you’re smart and charming and if anyone can organise a rekindling of old bonds, it’s you.

The King of Cups hints this is a very affectionate and even romantic enterprise. These are people (or a person) you once had love for, and thought would be around forever-after. Somehow the bond was broken, but they have been on your mind recently, and you want them back in your life.

So, whether it’s a person, an ex, an old friend, an estranged family member, an ex-colleague, or even a group of people – the Six of Cups advises you to approach this light-heartedly, affectionately, warmly and with humour and a smile.

Make it a friendly invite and let them take the bait, see what happens, this could be amazing and, frankly, there’s nothing to lose.


scorpio star sign
There’s an emotional farewell ahead for Scorpio (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Six of Swords, Five of Cups, Four of Swords

Meaning: An emotional farewell.

Something has been nagging at you, as shown by the regretful Five of Cups. This card is like an echo from the past, from an old wound that re-opens occasionally and you like to pick at it, dwelling on what was, what you did (or did not do) and generally, dare I say it, wallowing.

This self-pity party is not like you, Scorpio, but emotions don’t run on rational lines, so you probably can’t help it.

The Four of Swords asks you to be kind to yourself as you ponder this past event. Rest, relax, do less, prioritise, delegate. Lighten the load, because you’ve got some emotional weight to shift.

The Six of Swords is the action plan emerging from this period of reflection and the upshot is that you will be moving on from something. This echo has surfaced to help you recognise where in your current world you might be making a similar mistake, or have lingered too long waiting for things to get better.

The time is ripe for a move, a change, a departure, and you feel it before you know it. Don’t make the same mistakes, don’t hold on to something that isn’t there.

Act on your intuition and gut feeling, it’s the right move, and you will feel like you’ve finally closed the chapter.


sagittarius star sign
Keep going, Sagittarius (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Five of Swords, Page of Wands, The Emperor

Meaning: Fight your way through.

Sometimes it’s when our back is against a wall that we find a solution or way forward we never knew existed, and would never have come across had we not been under pressure. So, don’t avoid conflict or stress this month (counter-intuitive though that sounds) because sometimes you need to start a fight to see how you can win.

The Five of Swords sees you getting irritated and annoyed by a situation – it is what it is, you can’t solve it right now, so just recognise these feelings as being the first agents of change.

The Page of Wands shows your adversary is someone who is immature and fiery, or that the circumstances are ambiguous and ever-changing, so you never know where you stand. You are a flexible character, but this is ridiculous. So, say something! Express your dissatisfaction and shine a light on the situation.

Quickly, things will escalate, but you must stand firm on the fact you want a solution here, not a prolonged conflict or a witch hunt.

The Emperor gives you the determination to stand up for yourself and stay the course until the root cause has been uncovered and put right. And it will be. Your effort and courage here will pay off, and you will feel on top of the world.


capricorn star sign
Stop fighting, Capricorn (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Two of Wands, Seven of Wands, Eight of Cups

Meaning: Walk away.

Cap, you know the phrase ‘banging your head against a brick wall’? Well, that is not where we want you to find yourself this month ahead, so don’t be stubborn, and don’t stay in fights you can’t (and wouldn’t want to) win. Okay?

The Seven of Wands sees you in the thick of something, battling away as you do, pushing every advantage and almost getting so fixated on the prize you (once) wanted, you are missing the red flags and the signals, as shown by the Eight of Cups, that either this battle is actually over, or that prize is a hollow trinket you don’t even want any more. Either way, it’s a waste of your precious effort.

The Two of Wands shows it will take a couple of weeks for this penny to drop, and for you to see things as they really are.

When that happens, don’t panic, and don’t stay in the situation. Move on. Head out. Take a break. Get started on a different goal, something bigger and better. This is coming to an end for a reason: to release you for something way more impressive. There are better prizes out there.


Get creative, Aquarius (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Queen of Cups, The Magician, Three of Wands

Meaning: Creativity.

This is your season, Aquarius, and you’re feeling powerful, creative and, frankly, irresistible. The powers of your ruling planet, Uranus, are coursing through you with The Magician and the Three of Wands and you’re seeing the connections between things, forming new ideas, creating, having brainwaves. Let it all flow. This is magic. You are magic.

Don’t lose all this vital energy, because this is your season and all of your thoughts and ideas are precious. Write them down. Act on them. Store up the ones you can’t do right now.

This is a surge of invention and ideation that you need to capture and harness, because it can help you seize exciting opportunities and ride into the next chapter of your life, high on a wave.

The Queen of Cups reassures you that it’s not all intellectual and mental stimulus either. Your love life and relationships are blossoming this month too, and you feel content and fulfilled with the bonds you’ve forged and the progress of your closest relationships. You feel loved, because you are loved. You are a unique person. Others admire you. Just keep on being you, my friend, and the good things will keep on coming.


pisces star sign
Trust your instincts, Pisces (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for February: Page of Swords, The Sun, Temperance)

Meaning: Pick a side.

Have faith in yourself, Pisces, and in your opinions and beliefs, because you deserve your own niche and no one can make you feel inferior (without your consent).

The Page of Swords shows you’ve felt conflicted recently about something, or someone, and you’ve flip-flopped back and forth on it, unsure what you truly believe. It has been tiring and fruitless, and you’ve ended up pleasing no one by trying to please everyone. Enough.

Temperance sees you forming your own conclusions at last, and feeling secure about why you feel this way and confident about explaining it to others. You want to express yourself, and you honestly don’t care that much what they all think any longer. Good.

The Sun shows this chapter has a very happy ending. Clarifying your stance helps you feel grounded, helps others know whether to gravitate to you, or not, and therefore everything settles down and feels peaceful and calm again.

The harmonious atmosphere encourages a warmth and intimacy with others that you’ve hoped for, and you wish you’d been clearer sooner. No matter – all’s well that ends well.

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through her website.

Everything you need to know about your star sign

If you'd like to know your zodiac sign's dates, personality traits, and compatibility - as well as some famous people who fall under that star sign - we have rundowns on each. Check them out:

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