Trump’s incriminating phone call about finding votes, hilariously reproduced by ‘Liza Minelli’

Although, for the UK, the recording of Donald Trump appearing to try and persuade or bully an election official to commit fraud may have been eclipsed by announcements of new Scottish and English lockdowns, it was huge news.

Singer and comedian, Sooz Kempner decided it was big enough to unveil another of her brilliant Liza Minelli impressions, reciting the words of Trump, but giving them an added and very funny dimension.

Petition to have all Trump communications delivered via Sooz as Liza from now on.

Tweeters, quite rightly, loved it.

As a bonus, here’s another clip of Sooz – er, Liza – saying Trump’s words far better than he ever could.


Donald Trump’s car crash interview makes more sense when he’s replaced with ‘Liza Minnelli’

Source Sooz Kempner Image Screengrab

The post Trump’s incriminating phone call about finding votes, hilariously reproduced by ‘Liza Minelli’ appeared first on The Poke.

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