Your daily horoscope for 11 November

Psychic dating advice
What lies ahead for your day? (Picture: Ella Byworth for

What does today hold for your fortunes?

We’ve got all the information you need, with a daily horoscope for each star sign below.

Expect new adventures, a change in mood, and the potential for positive action ahead, as lockdown continues but the stars continue to have an effect on our day-to-day lives.

Read on for today’s guidance, and check back each morning to prepare for the day ahead.

What star sign are you?

  • Aries: 21 March to 20 April
  • Taurus: 21 April to 21 May
  • Gemini: 22 May to 21 June
  • Cancer: 22 June to 23 July
  • Leo: 24 July to 23 August
  • Virgo: 24 August to 23 September
  • Libra: 24 September to 23 October
  • Scorpio: 24 October to 22 November
  • Sagittarius: 23 November to 21 December
  • Capricorn: 22 December to 21 January
  • Aquarius: 22 January to 19 February
  • Pisces: 20 February to 20 March


Your daily horoscope: Aries
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

With some leading influences in subtle sectors, your intuitive side looks strong.

You may pick up on other people’s moods and thoughts without much effort, and this could help you get to grips with a complex situation.


Your daily horoscope: Taurus
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

The Virgo Moon throws light on an opportunity.

The more you look into it, the more excited you might become. If you’ve been seeking new adventures for some time, this month could see you ready for them.


your daily horoscope: gemini
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

Your thinking seems to be sharp, which can be a boon. With a tie to Neptune, you’ll need to stay ahead of the game and a clear mind could be a blessing in this regard. Even so, the cosmos suggests not taking anything for granted.


your daily horoscope: cancer
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

A spirited discussion could boost a friend’s morale. But with Mars at its slowest prior to turning direct, your words to a close one may need to have a firm edge. If it seems they are being difficult, then it might be time to strengthen your boundaries.


your daily horoscope: Leo
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

Ideas can be plentiful, and may seem to flow effortlessly as you tap into your resourceful side.

If a plan has built steam recently, and is something you have put a lot of work into, then you might be at the stage where you are ready to launch it.


your daily horoscope: Virgo
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

This may be a constructive time for making new associations. You might be impressed with someone’s charm and the way you feel so upbeat in their company, and this could encourage you to firm up this alliance.


your daily horoscope: Libra
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

A firm decision enables you to get on with a task that needs to be done yet there may be another matter that feels uncomfortable and involves you personally. The cosmos hints that discussing it in a tactful way could resolve it.


your daily horoscope: scorpio
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

It would be no surprise if you felt on edge, especially if an issue you thought you’d dealt with recurs. The next week can be an opportunity to look at this, as there may be an advantage to diving in and taking positive action.


your daily horoscope: sagittarius
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

This can be an excellent time to become acquainted with new people. If there’s one person with whom you cannot seem to strike a chord with or feel awkward around, then give it time as it could be a different story soon.


your daily horoscope: Capricorn
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

A deal may be struck because you find someone an inspiration. This could work both ways, though, as you might be an inspiration to them.

Whatever the scenario, you can have a natural chemistry that allows you to work well together.


your daily horoscope: aquarius
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

A leading aspect involving adventurous Jupiter and potent Pluto can encourage you to go that bit further, share more than intended and step over the edge of your comfort zone. This is just what is needed to take you into new territory.


your daily horoscope: Pisces
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

The opportunity to move in new circles might be good for you as it could see you becoming involved with people who encourage you in a new direction. A potent aspect suggests you may benefit from fresh ideas.

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