This hilarious sketch brutally parodies Priti Patel’s gang of defenders

There has been quite a rollercoaster of emotions, following recent news items about the Home Secretary, Priti Patel.

After what seemed like an interminable wait, the report into allegations of her bullying civil servants was released, with the conclusion that she had bullied people, but unintentionally.

from Confused GIFs via Gfycat

Boris Johnson read the report – supposedly – and concluded that she had not broken the Ministerial Code and that no further action was needed, causing his ethics adviser (No sniggering!), who wrote the report, to resign.

The PM sent a message to the Tory Party WhatsApp group, telling them to “form a square around The Pritster”.

The usual suspects spoke out in her favour, remarking on her “good record” as Home Secretary, how nice she is to her friends, and *checks notes* the fact that she’s only 5 ft 3.

We’re convinced* – the report was obviously incorrect.


These tweets show what people thought of her defenders and their arguments.

Here’s Rishi Sunak on the Marr Show, attempting to draw a line under the matter.

However, this sketch by Rosie Holt, which references actual statements by the Tories forming a square around the Pritster, is the best way of understanding the mindset of those condoning the bullying.

It’s funny because it’s true.

Rosie’s work got the props it so richly deserved.

Stuart Lang may have a point – but we hope not.


The Priti Patel bullying report says she broke the ministerial code, but the PM says she didn’t – 14 intentional takedowns

Source Rosie Holt Image Screengrab, Screengrab

The post This hilarious sketch brutally parodies Priti Patel’s gang of defenders appeared first on The Poke.

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