This 7-year-old’s brilliant Nicola Sturgeon Halloween performance has us all telt

While most kids were dressing up as classic monsters or their favourite film character for Halloween – before staying indoors and eating their own sweets because Trick or Treat was banned – one young boy had a very different costume idea.

As you may have noticed, Jacob‘s performance seemed to have been inspired as much by the great Janey Godley as by the First Minister herself.

Here’s an example – the language is not safe for work or 7-year-olds, but it’s very funny.

Janey was impressed.

And she wasn’t the only one.

Perhaps most importantly, Nicola Sturgeon saw it and took it with more than good humour.

She may well have guaranteed herself a voter for life.

As a bonus, here’s Act 2.


“You were all TELT” Janey Godley rewords Nicola Sturgeon’s coronavirus briefing

Source Alyson Welsh Image Screengrab, Screengrab

The post This 7-year-old’s brilliant Nicola Sturgeon Halloween performance has us all telt appeared first on The Poke.

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