The Friday Inbox demands more details on PlayStation 5 backwards compatibility, as one reader refuses to pay £90 for the Demon’s Souls remake.
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Speaking the unspeakable
So, Minecraft in Super Smash Bros. was a bit of a shock. I know it’s been rumoured before but it’s still a huge get for Nintendo and something that must’ve taken quite a bit of negotiating with Microsoft. Even though Minecraft is multiformat it’s not something I could ever imagine happening in a Sony game (anyone remember PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale?).
Which makes me wonder whether Nintendo and Microsoft are close enough that the unspeakable could ever happen and Microsoft buys Nintendo? Microsoft were keen right from the start of the Xbox, if you remember back then, but Nintendo has never been interested and, on the face of it, certainly aren’t likely to be now with the success of the Switch.
But the future of gaming is going to be so high-tech I’m not sure they’re ready for it. Microsoft has so much better experience with online, streaming, and general hardware that it seems to me that the two companies would be very complimentary. Add Nintendo’s games to Game Pass and I would never buy a video game again – but subscribe for pretty much any price you name.
I know buying Japanese companies is legally difficult, but I’d be willing to bet that discussions have happened behind the scenes, even if the end result was a firm ‘No’ from Nintendo.
GC: Even ignoring the difficulties of an American company buying a large Japanese firm Nintendo are a much bigger purchase than Bethesda. It’s almost impossible to imagine it happening, especially given how much money Microsoft has already spent on Xbox.
Cakes taste better on Xbox
If Bethesda games come to PlayStation 5, that’ll be Microsoft having its cake and eating it. The draw to Xbox is still there because it’s much cheaper to access the game on Game Pass (providing you’re subscribing to it for other games as well). ‘Pay full price to play on PlayStation 5 or get it on Game Pass’ is a way for them to recoup development (and Bethesda acquisition) costs while also boosting Xbox and Game Pass interest.
There are still people like me who are unlikely to subscribe long term to Game Pass because they only have the time to play the games they really want to play and at least a few of those every year won’t be on that service.
It does make sense that they’d still want to make money from us (or rather at least more than one or two months of Game Pass fees). Even if some games do come to PlayStation 5 I can see them including some caveats like a later release date or less content.
GC: That seems quite possible. We’d be relatively surprised if Fallout 5 and The Elder Scrolls 6 didn’t appear on PlayStation 5 at some point.
The Nintendo Way
Nintendo never cease to amaze me. Fair enough a lot of people were underwhelmed by the official announcement of Super Mario 3D All-Stars due to the lack of bells and whistles. I’ve bought it and it is exactly what I expected it to be, so no complaints from me.
Then they casually drop Super Mario Bros. 35 for free (I know it was announced alongside Super Mario 3D All-Stars but it’s not been particularly trumpeted since) and it is superb. I’ve managed to come second so far, my fear is that the more people start playing it and getting good then the worse my final placing will become.
I just want them to keep doing what they’re doing in their erratic and frequently illogical way.
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Second chance
I was hoping that you would be reviewing the upcoming remake of the cel-shaded first person shooter game XIII on Xbox One/PlayStation 4.
I remember playing the original on my OG Xbox. However, the game had two issues that caused me to give up in the end. They were un-skippable cut scenes and difficulty spikes that drove me up the wall. This is an opportunity for the developers to fix these two issues and that will make it a must have purchased for me.
I appreciate regarding game reviews (and the new hardware) that silly season is upon us so I understand if you don’t get around to reviewing it but I hope you do.
Chaosphere616 (gamertag)
PS: I cancelled my pre-order of the Oculus Quest 2 headset at GAME (and ordered elsewhere) because they are also applying £10 delivery fee like with the Xbox Series X/S, even if you opt to collect it.
GC: We probably will but it’s not out until 10 November.
Give me a reason
I really want to love Microsoft’s Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. I’ve been a gamer for a long time and other than a Jaguar, Virtual Boy, and a 3DO I’ve been lucky enough to own the majority of consoles from SNES onwards (loved my Spectrum before that). The excitement of a new console launch was always about the technical upgrade, improved graphics, and perhaps those one or two games that really showed off that step forward. Super Mario 64, Ridge Racer, Project Gotham Racing, Zelda: Breath Of The Wild.
I do think though, since the demise of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 it has become more about incremental upgrades with the true home consoles (we have to accept the Switch is a bit different) and surprisingly, as the consoles have launched, there haven’t been those absolutely brand new or killer IPs that make the new console shine.
I have to say the Switch has become my favourite console probably since the SNES (the Dreamcast was amazing too). I adore racing games and have to say if Gran Turismo 7 was a launch game I might have pre-ordered a PlayStation 5 but as it currently stands I struggle to see the reasons to upgrade. I could say that the biggest leap is perhaps Microsoft Flight Simulator, a game I want to try, but not a game I’m willing to fork out £700 over two years for (the all access plans are great). Finally, I don’t think people realised how massive the PS Vita was in Japan!
GC: Do you mean the PSP? The PS Vita wasn’t a big hit in Japan.
Standard procedure
With all this talk about the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X pre-order delays, and with stores running out very fast, surely Microsoft and Sony should be looking into get some production plants built in parts of the US and UK to ensure that these issues do not reoccur again and will have an ample supply? They are also going to need repair centres so this would be a good idea to get some new ones built to tackle the supply shortage and ensure everyone gets their pre-orders quicker in the future.
It’s not like they didn’t have time to plan and prepare for this as they have clearly been working on the development of these systems for some time. It does make you wonder how long these stock issues will be going on for and what if anything Microsoft and Sony is going to do to rectify it. They can’t keep going on like this as it will cost them in the long run and even developers who have made games for the PlayStation 5 will be concerned.
gaz be rotten (gamertag)
GC: New consoles always run out of stock at launch – even the Wii U did – they’re usually much easier to get hold of by the spring, once the Christmas rush is over.
Talking point
I see the game people have been talking about in the Inbox in the past few weeks is on sale: CrossCode is £12.99 on PSN Store currently. I was going to get it on Xbox One (£16.74) but it is cheaper on PlayStation 4.
You can get a £15 PSN voucher on ShopTo for £12.85 too. I wish they would do cheaper Xbox vouchers too, like they do PlayStation vouchers on ShopTo. How does that work? Does Sony subsidise the vouchers so they can be sold cheaper?
Andrew J.
GC: We’ve often wondered that ourselves. But yes, everyone should give CrossCode a shot, it’s great.
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Talk to me
I understand that Sony want to focus on the benefits and features of PlayStation 5 but for me they need to start talking about PlayStation 4 back compatibility performance boosts. I believe all they’ve said so far is select titles will see them. As a PlayStation 4 owner with 338 digital games (140 are PS Plus games) I want to know how they will play on PlayStation 5.
Yesterday Sony were talking about the ‘painstaking work’ done on the Spider-Man remaster, which to me felt like an attempt to justify the dodgy decision to gate it behind a £70 purchase. 60fps was touted as a remaster feature but I still don’t know if the PlayStation 4 version that I spent £40 on will run at 60fps on PlayStation 5, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t unless Sony want to gate 60fps behind a paywall too. I’m being overly dramatic there but every day now it seems Sony winds me up.
On Microsoft’s side they sent Digital Foundry an Xbox Series X to test back compatibility. The results were great, until we see games running on both we don’t know how their design decisions will affect performance. But a general consensus is that Microsoft’s raw horsepower will help with resolution and framerate performance.
I hope Sony talk about it soon. There’s no reason why all my PlayStation 4 games shouldn’t run at 60fps on PlayStation 5 unless Sony just isn’t that interested in offering that. I read an interview the other day by a Football Manager dev who was asked why his game wasn’t on PlayStation. He explained he would like it to be but the consoles are closed systems that require Sony/Microsoft to send out dev kits to develop a game for that format, Microsoft had and Sony hadn’t.
The console makers choose what games they have on their system, not the other way around. If a game or feature isn’t present or well developed it’s most likely the console manufacture just doesn’t value it.
It may be PlayStation 4 back compatibility is as robust as Xbox but the lack of attention to it makes me wonder about Sony’s ambitions for it. A reason why I love my PlayStation 4 is not just the first party exclusives but it’s best for third party too. With each passing day Xbox Series X feels like the best choice for third party and I see Sony’s machine, like Nintendo’s, as an exclusive box I can wait a good three or four years to pick up. I will say it’s great both machines are equally compelling, didn’t expect that a year ago when Sony were clear frontrunners.
Other Sony news that annoyed me this week. They announced the Demon’s Souls Digital Deluxe Edition. You get the soundtrack and in-game items like weapons and armour sets. It’s £90, what a joke.
Inbox also-rans
Minecraft in Smash Bros., eh? That is the kind of deal I did not expect to see. After some disappointing addition this is a big win for Nintendo. Wonder how many will buy Smash just for this now?
I don’t know about Bethesda games on PlayStation consoles but it looks like there’ll probably be on Switch in the future, technology allowing. That Minecraft DLC for Smash looks great and I love the amount of effort that’s gone into it.
This week’s Hot Topic
The topic for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Penfold, who asks how much do you expect to spend on video games this Christmas?
Given the launch of the new next gen consoles and the difficulties caused by the coronavirus do you expect to spend more or less than usual on games during the next three months? Do you have a specific budget for games and how strict are you about keeping to it?
In general for the year, have you spent more or less on games than usual and how will the next gen affect this? Have you been saving up for the new consoles already or will you continue to save so you can buy them next year?
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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.
You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.
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MORE: Games Inbox: PS5 cross-gen criticism, Mafia remake difficulty, and Dragon’s Dogma Netflix review
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