The pandemic saw several conspiracy theories either spring up afresh or resurface. For example, there are swathes of people who believe that 5G technology causes Covid-19, although the details of how are somewhat sketchy.
Similarly, there are so many people who think that face coverings cause respiratory failure that we can only assume they made theirs out of plastic bags.
Writer Will Black started a hashtag that seemed very apt for these times, with this crazy conspiracy theory.
The reason Trump is relying on his base and is making no effort to unite the USA is because his base hasn't shrunk with deaths. This is because MAGA hats take over the animation of bodies #ZombieVoters
— Will Black (@WillBlackWriter) September 7, 2020
We’ve seen the rallies, and it doesn’t seem all that crazy, to be fair.
As is so often the case, Twitter rose to the occasion rather brilliantly, and these were our favourites.
A KFC chicken is slaughtered at 35 days old. During lock down some of them grew to over 6ft and weighed over 14st. #StartCrazyConspiracyTheories
— Neil Salters (@faultysalty) September 7, 2020
Ants are actually aliens who are quietly tunneling underground so that one day, the earth will fall in on itself and they can take over. #StartCrazyConspiracyTheories
— The Original Twitflup! (@TheRealFlups) September 7, 2020
#StartCrazyConspiracyTheories Mark Francoise has a French doppleganger called Marc Anglaise who pretends he was in the Foreign Legion.
— Paul Cochrane CBA (@mrdissent) September 7, 2020
5G is grown from stem cells. #StartCrazyConspiracyTheories
— Oisín McGann (@OisinMcGann) September 7, 2020
Donald Trump's hair is actually made from vanilla candy floss, spun with his own baby hands. #StartCrazyConspiracyTheories
— Wayne Daniel (@DanielsonWayne) September 7, 2020
Nigel Farage owns a rubber dinghy factory in Calais and only gets ITV and Sky to film asylum seekers arriving in them for the free advertising.
#StartCrazyConspiracyTheories— MaccaS_Rants (@MaccaS_Rant) September 7, 2020
They wanted us to stay indoors during the lock down because a couple of the lizard people had gone rogue and were hunting human skins to replace Harry & Meghan following their escape.
— Tony D (@AntDickinson) September 7, 2020
The recipe for Pringles came from the aliens in the Roswell crash. Aliens can just eat one and stop. Humans, well you know the rest… #StartCrazyConspiracyTheories
— Grant McManus (@Gr3ant) September 7, 2020
Bill Gates spent decades driving us crazy with that stupid paperclip, then he ramped things up by making additional empty lines appear when you try to move to the next page on Word. Now he's trying to change our DNA so we hate Apple computers
— Will Black (@WillBlackWriter) September 7, 2020
#StartCrazyConspiracyTheories Dominic Cummings has not been seen alive since he was buried at sea off the Scottish coast, following a short holiday with Boris and Carrie that ended tragically in a fight to the death over paternity.
— COLIN ALSTON (@COLINALSTON1) September 7, 2020
HP Lovecraft wrote 16 of the Carry On films. Sadly, his magnum opus "Carry on imploding onto a universe of horrors" was never filmed. #StartCrazyConspiracyTheories
— Steve la noix de chat (@SteveElGatoLoco) September 7, 2020
Dominic Cummings is NOT a genius (he can't even get an app made). He has his job because he has footage of Boris Johnson dressed as a Nazi and snorting coke off the bloody body of a Blue Peter dog
— Will Black (@WillBlackWriter) September 7, 2020
The post People have been sharing their crazy conspiracy theories – our 23 favourites appeared first on The Poke.
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