Over at the Daily Mail, columnist Richard Littlejohn’s been telling everyone to stop working from home and get back to the workplace.
‘This madness can’t be allowed to go on,’ says Littlejohn.
Anyway, enough of that, onto the replies, and these really are the only ones you need.
This article is hilarious.
Richard Littlejohn slams those who are working from home, but dining on Rishi’s dishes…
…before saying, half-way through, that he’s worked at home for 30 years, but it’s okay because he like to go out dining.
And the intro is about Nazis. pic.twitter.com/cFiK4sMnHv
— Dr Mike Galsworthy (@mikegalsworthy) August 27, 2020
imagine being the kind of writer who would write a column slagging off home workers from the comfort of your own home
— Jim Pickard (@PickardJE) August 27, 2020
Absolutely amazing chutzpah by Richard Littlejohn as he launches an attack on cowards working from home and ruining the economy… before revealing in the 25th paragraph he’s been working from home for 30 years. https://t.co/2ueOaHqCmn
— Chris Burn (@ChrisBurn_Post) August 27, 2020
TOMORROW: One presumes that Richard Littlejohn drove to the Daily Mail’s central London offices to write his article comparing home workers to Nazi sympathisers, and didn’t email it in from his gated community in Florida.#TomorrowsPapersToday #MailFrontPages pic.twitter.com/GhkBx4Y7jJ
— The DM Reporter (@DMReporter) August 27, 2020
But the best one surely has to be this, from Independent journalist Tom Peck.
I have worked in the same office as Richard Littlejohn for eleven years and I am happy to be corrected but to the very best of my knowledge he has never once been into it. https://t.co/4Cynnk4Xrs
— Tom Peck (@tompeck) August 27, 2020
And just in case you didn’t make it that far, here is that 25th paragraph, highlighted on Twitter by @JayMitchinson.
You couldn’t make it up.
Source @hendopolis Image screengrab
The post Richard Littlejohn told everyone to get back to the workplace and the takedowns came thick and fast appeared first on The Poke.
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