Games Inbox: Rockstar Games next gen remakes, Ghosts Of Tsushima on PS5, and Streets Of Rage 4 co-op

Red Dead Redemption
What Rockstar game do you want to see on the next gen consoles? (pic: Rockstar Games)

The Wednesday Inbox offers a critique of PlayStation Now and its future potential, as one reader takes on Octopath Traveler: The Final Boss.

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High effort
I wouldn’t be very interested in Take-Two talking about more next gen Rockstar games if they hadn’t implied there’d be more than one. The first is obviously going to be Red Dead Redemption 2 but after that almost every other option has to be something interesting (unless it’s GTA 4, I guess).

Personally I would like to see proper remakes, or at least high effort remasters of the PlayStation 2 GTA games. They are so overdue it’s crazy and I really don’t understand why it hasn’t happened before. Unless it’s because they’re worried they’ll look too similar to the current game, once the graphics are beefed up. That might be true of GTA 3 and San Andreas, to a degree, but not Vice City and it’s not as if all three don’t have completely different stories.

I don’t get the impression Rockstar are completely against looking back, or anything like that, considering how obsessed Red Dead Redemption 2 was with linking up to the start of the first game. But I’d also be more than happy to see a remake of that and, especially, the Undead Nightmare DLC. And this all before you start to get into things that will never happen like Manhunt and The Warriors.

If Take-Two were talking about their own games then I wouldn’t mind a Bioshock remake either but it’s Rockstar’s staff that really needs the revamp. Like GC said, a lot of these games are nearly unplayable now, with the bad graphics and controls, and I’d like to be able to enjoy them again.

Two games in one
I just finished two games back to back, Octopath Traveler and Octopath Traveler: The Final Boss. The first game was an enjoyable role-playing game with likable characters, an interesting fighting system, and a challenging but fair difficulty. The second game made me want to cry. Choosing not to include a save before the boss is sadism at its finest! Who doesn’t love trudging through an hour’s worth of pointlessly easy battles just to even make an attempt at the hardest fight in the game? Oh how I laughed each time I got completely wiped out by some insane move I never saw coming and knew I’d have yet more mindless slogging joy to go through! Worst game design decision ever!

In saying all that, bizarrely I still enjoyed the boss fight itself. The boss looks great and forces you to properly utilise every trick you’ve learned along the way. I had to rejig my character set up multiple times before I finally got it tweaked enough to make a successful run. Not that I had a good set-up I realise in hindsight, having watched some YouTube videos of the boss being defeated in a few turns! Anyway, I’m just glad it’s over. I’m definitely RPGed out, Bravely Default 2 will have to wait until next year (if it’s good). I think my next game will be A Good Lie Down In A Darkened Room. Sounds wonderful!
Ryan O’D

PlayStation service
RE: Benson. I don’t think PlayStation Now is really comparable to Game Pass, it’s mainly just PlayStation 4’s answer to backwards compatibility. It’s a bigger library but mostly old games. It doesn’t take anywhere near the same investment as what’s needed for Game Pass, so they’re just happy for it to be there making a nice supplementary revenue.

RE: matc7884. PlayStation Plus is an underrated service. In the past year alone I’ve played Uncharted 4, The Sims 4, Shadow Of The Colossus, Nioh, Detroit, Sonic Mania, Overcooked, and The Last Of Us Remastered for next to nothing but there’s a ton more I haven’t gotten into yet like Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Titanfall 2, Darksiders 3, For Honor, etc.

I’ve recently abandoned playing Ghost Of Tsushima in favour of playing Ratchet & Clank, that I got on PS Plus ages ago at the recommendation of another reader (cheers SumFool). So far, I can’t believe I passed by this game before because it’s excellent. There’s also the ability on PS Plus to share your library with another user, so you can have your friends’ purchases (not sure if it’s supposed to be there) so if you’re smart about it you can share the expense of new games. I never see anyone talk about that last bit, so I’m not sure if people know about it or not.
Twiggy Smalls

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Unsung hero
I was mentioning this in the Underbox… Microsoft don’t mention game sharing enough, with a family member or friend and that includes your Ultimate Game Pass or Gold. They even explain the steps on their website.

Same if you want to buy a game from another region. I’ve done that and decided a game is not for me and got a full refund even though I bought it from the Singapore store (you need to buy gift card for that region and use VPN when buying but that’s it. It is still the Microsoft store page, so they still get the money.

Boxes within boxes
Got to ask, but why are the Switch game cases so big? Is to do with making them feel like the cases would fit onto a CD shelf? The game cartridges are tiny, but the box is massive in comparison. It would have been good if there was an instruction manual or a pamphlet but nothing.

In this day and age of plastic waste it makes no sense, I know it’s not a lot of plastic but every little bit will make a difference.
Alek Kazam

GC: They’re the same height as a Blu-ray case. If they were any smaller you’d end up needing another box to put all the Switch boxes in. You could always recycle them and just keep the cartridges though.

Indie distraction
I’m feeling a bit fatigued over the relentless next gen speculation, so thought I’d write in with a few random games I’ve enjoyed playing this year for anyone who feels the same.

Katana ZERO – Great soundtrack, tight gameplay, impressive visuals, and probably one of my favourite narratives I’ve ever experienced even though it was text-based. Strong comic book-style characters, surreal world and the feeling that I could actually influence the outcome (even if this was largely superficial). My one criticism would be that there wasn’t enough variety in the mission types, as the few times the game does deviate from the norm in a boss fight or vehicle level it’s great.

Hollow Knight – A slow starter but I ended up putting over 65 hours into this game on the Switch. Loved exploring the world and the variety and characterisation of bosses. The game is challenging but the most difficult versions of the bosses aren’t compulsory to finish the story, if that’s something that puts you off. Good soundtrack, especially the Grimm Troupe DLC. An essential purchase for the price it is on the Switch, which includes all DLC.

Streets Of Rage 4 – I have played countless hours of this with my girlfriend in co-op mode during lockdown. Streets Of Rage 2 was my favourite game as a kid, so I was very excited to play this. The new combo-building and score system gave the game a different feel at first but is what keeps us coming back time and time again to try and beat our high score (it’s certainly not the story). I think the soundtrack is excellent for the most part (there’s a pattern here) and, controversially, only think it suffers when the legendary composers from Streets Of Rage 2 score the boss fights. However, not keeping the sound of the pipe from Streets Of Rage 2 is absolutely criminal.

On tomorrow’s edition of arbitrary opinions that nobody asked for: top 10 lockdown oven pizzas (number 7 will shock you).

Probably patched
I own a PS4 Pro and have been really enjoying Ghosts Of Tsushima, I’m loving it so much that I’m thinking that I should stop playing and wait to play it on the PlayStation 5.

The longer I wait the less my console will be worth, but what if my save does not carry over? I wish Sony would be more forthcoming with the backwards compatibility stuff. Will it get a patch to run better? Will it work at all?

GC: We’d assume that of all games, the final first party release on PlayStation 4 is definitely going to work and get an upgrade. But as you say, there’s no official confirmation.

Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Major differences
RE: Benson and Game Pass love. As a subscriber to both at certain points in the consoles I’d like to offer my opinion of why Microsoft is having greater success.

The first party games being available on release (or earlier) is the major point of interest but Microsoft also invests in third party games to release at launch.

Looking at the list of games available today the curation is better on Game Pass, it’s far easier to find a ‘good’ game to play on it. PlayStation Now has a bigger library but there’s some real dross in there and I have become overwhelmed on PS Now before.

There may also be a factor in the types of games Microsoft releases, my subscription has seen a game like Sea Of Thieves change dramatically since launch, while PS Now contains more traditional games that once completed you would have little reason to continue a subscription. This, I feel, is the major reason Sony are reluctant to put their first party titles on subscription at release.

Perhaps the biggest reason though is that Xbox customers have just been more used to subscription plans, having been members of Xbox Live for upwards of 15 years. When Microsoft offered the amount of content and included all first party games at such a low price many people such as myself upgraded. And having done so I am more than impressed by the value proposition and will remain a subscriber until that changes.

The only other point I can think of was that PS Now initially forced you to stream all the games and this wasn’t great when the service launched. I haven’t used the service since they allowed you to download the PlayStation 4 games but perhaps this is still a perceived problem with the service.

Finally, and probably most importantly, advertising. I cannot watch YouTube or search the web without Game Pass coming up somewhere offering cheap entry points and regularly showing off multiple different games. I had to search for PS Now and it took me 10 minutes to find a full list of games, and they were displayed terribly in small text… ugh I’m having flashbacks to how bad their site was.

I genuinely think we are going to see an uptick in PS Now subscriptions as we go into the next generation, the value proposition and the success of things like Netflix and Disney+ are evidence to me that Game Pass or its competitors will be a part of gaming going forward. I have read people’s concerns for what such a business model may bring, and they may be valid, but the evidence from streaming services for film and TV have shown that it’s not really better or worse, it’s just different.
DarKerR (gamertag)/DarKerR-UK (PSN ID)/DarKeR_UK (Steam ID)

Inbox also-rans
I don’t know if GameCentral has seen but the Suikoden spiritual successor on Kickstarter has so far raised £2 million!
Andrew J.

Thanks for correcting me, GC. I did mean BOXVR when I was mistakenly referring to BoxFit VR. Hopefully the attempted platinum run will cement the game’s name in my head!

This week’s Hot Topic
The topic for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Xane who asks what game series did you used to enjoy but have now fallen out of love with?

Many franchises have been going for a decade or more at this point, so are there any that you used to play a lot but now don’t? And is it on purpose or because you don’t own the right console? Or perhaps you’ve just drifted away from the series over the years?

What could draw you back and are there any new games this year, or in the next gen, that you’re planning to get that would be your first time with that series for a while?

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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE: Games Inbox: PlayStation Now vs. Game Pass, Spider-Man PS4 exclusive, and PS5 backwards compatibility

MORE: Games Inbox: PS5 online free, keeping fit with video games, and Lego NES for kids

MORE: Weekend Hot Topic, part 2: Are you impressed by the Xbox Series X?

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