Easy like Sunday morning: how to make french toast, how to fry an egg and other breakfast ideas

Breakfast in bed
It IS the most important meal of the day, after all (Picture: Getty)

Sunday mornings. Whether you’re feeling delicate from the night before, or you love waking up fresh as a daisy just to make the most out of doing nothing, there’s nothing quite like them.

Less action-planned than Saturdays, and with more leisurely time than a weekday morning, a Sunday is the perfect time to make a little more effort on your breakfast.

Here we’ve got the inspiration, ingredients and instruction for you to elevate your easy Sunday morning routine

How to make French toast

The best thing since sliced bread, French toast is sometimes known as eggy bread, pain perdu, or the ‘poor knights of Windsor‘.

It’s basically bread, often slightly stale, soaked in a mixture of milk and eggs then fried before being topped with something sweet.


  • One large egg
  • 300ml milk
  • One teaspoon vanilla extract or ½ tsp cinnamon
  • Four thick slices white bread
  • Two tablespoon butter
  • Toppings of your choice
French Toast
Good news. Brexit doesn’t affect your French Toast rights (Picture: Getty)

Instructions for making French Toast

In a wide dish, whisk the egg, milk and your choice of vanilla or cinnamon together.

Coat one side of the bread slices in the liquid, then flip them over and leave them to soak for two minutes. If the bread isn’t very fresh you can leave for a bit longer.

The important thing is you want the eggy milk mixture to be absorbed into the bread but not so much that it falls apart.

Next, melt one tablespoon of butter in a large non-stick pan over a medium heat and add your first two slices of soaked bread.

Cook until golden (should be around five minutes), then turn to cook the other side. Move these over to a plate and cook the rest of your bread.

The final stage involves cutting the bread diagonally and adding your toppings.

The toppings are up to you, but anything from berries to maple syrup make a perfect accompaniment.

You can add cream and chocolate for a more decadent, dessert feel too.

How to fry an egg

How do you like your eggs in the morning? Sunny-side up or scrambled, we’ve got you covered.

For a straight-forward fried egg, you will need:

  • A fresh egg
  • Tablespoon or oil or butter

To fry your egg, heat the oil or butter in a small pan until it starts to melt – but don’t let it get too hot.

Next, crack your egg into a bowl.

Don’t crack it straight into the pan as you may get pieces of shell stuck in there.

Add seasoning such as salt, pepper and cayenne pepper for flavour.

Add your cracked egg into the pan and leave for around three minutes.

Check the egg white is set before removing from the pan.

How to make scrambled egg in a pan

There are two ways you can make scrambled eggs.

One way is more traditional.

To make in a pan, first you’ll need:

  • Two eggs
  • Milk or single cream
  • a knob of butter
Fried egg on white plate and Scrambled eggs ion white plate for breakfast
Eggs-ellent, whichever way you have them (Picture: Getty)

To make the scrambled eggs, first whisk 2 large eggs with a splash of your choice of milk or cream and a small pinch of salt together until the mixture is combined.

Heat a small, non-stick frying pan for a minute, then add a knob of butter and let it melt. Don’t allow the butter to brown.

Pour in the egg mixture and let it sit, without stirring, for 20 seconds.

Stir with a wooden spoon, lifting and folding it over from the bottom of the pan.

Let it sit for another 10 seconds then stir and fold again.

Repeat until the eggs are softly set and slightly runny in places.

Remove from the heat and leave for a moment to finish cooking, and then give it a final stir before serving.

How to make scrambled eggs in a microwave

A much simpler method of scrambled eggs might provoke a sneer from some cooking purists, but the outcome is pretty much the same.

You’ll need:

  • two large eggs
  • two tablespoons of milk
  • salt and pepper

To make, simply crack the eggs into a bowl.

Add the milk, salt and pepper and whisk them all up for around one minute.

Microwave the mixture for between 45 seconds and one minute.

Give the mixture a little stir with a fork after it’s out of the microwave and it should be ready to serve.

Fruit salad: how to chop a mango and how to cut a pineapple

Fruits On Plate
Get your five a day (Picture: Getty)

A platter of fresh fruit is one of the most delicious pairings with a relaxed Sunday morning in bed or around the kitchen table.

Some fruit, like blueberries, strawberries and raspberries you can just wash and serve straight away. However, fruits like pineapple – if you buy as a whole and not already cut up and packaged – can be confusing to prepare.

How to cut a pineapple: step-by-step

  • Using a chef’s knife, chop off the top (the green leaves) and the bottom ends.
  • Next, stand the pineapple up on the cutting board and slice it straight down the middle.
  • Identify the core of the pineapple — you’ll notice the fibres of the pineapple run diagonally away from the core. Cut diagonally toward the core, one side at a time and remove. Repeat with the other half of the pineapple.
  • Once cored, cut the pineapple halves in half again, making four quarters total. Cut small vertical slices on each quarter.
  • Finally, carefully slice any remaining thick skin off your pineapple chunks.

How to cut a mango

Mangos have a solid pit which can make them harder to cut.

Follow this step-by-step for some fresh, tasty mango.

Holding the mango with one hand, stand it on its end, stem side down. With a sharp knife cut from the top of the mango, down one side of the pit in the centre. Repeat this on the other side. You should end up with three pieces: two halves, and a middle section that includes the pit.

Next, take one of your mango halves and use a knife to make lengthwise and crosswise cuts in it, but try not to cut through the peel.

Flip the mango inside out now, so that the cut segments are sticking out like a hedgehog’s spikes.

At this point you may be able to peel the segments right off with your fingers, or with a small knife.

How to make a Bloody Mary

Whether it’s hair of the dog or just a weekend treat, indulge in a little extra with your easy Sunday morning breakfast.

Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary or Caesar Cocktail with Lime, Celery and ice

To make the perfect Bloody Mary, you’ll need:

  • Ice cubes
  • 100ml vodka
  • 500ml tomato juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice – plus slices to serve
  • few shakes Worcestershire sauce
  • few shakes Tabasco
  • pinch celery salt
  • pinch black pepper
  • celery sticks, to serve

To make a Bloody Mary:

  • Place the ice in a large jug. Measure the vodka, tomato juice and lemon juice and pour it straight over the ice.
  • Add three shakes of Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco (or more if you like it spicy) and a pinch of celery salt and pepper.
  • Stir until the outside of the jug feels cold, then strain the cocktail into a tall glass.
  • Top up with fresh ice, add a celery stick and lemon slice
  • Stick on your favourite radio station or album and enjoy.

MORE: How to make a sourdough starter to bake bread and more if you don’t have yeast

MORE: Three-ingredient cloud bread is back and doing the rounds on TikTok

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