Well, it’s one way of getting rid of the pests in your back garden.

Guy blows up his back yard attempting to get rid of a cockroach problem from r/gifs

Boom. And it gets even better.

‘The one cockroach he was trying to kill sneaks behind him as he wrecks his yard.’ dirksbutt

‘I thought you were kidding, but no, you can literally see a roach behind him on the tile. That’s hilarious.’ MisterManatee

‘Ha! I did not notice that. Since the yard is ruined, the cockroach is going to move inside.’ AdmiralTallywacker

There was also this.

‘I’m more impressed that the match stayed lit when he threw it.’ Reddit-username_here

‘That was attempt #342.’ imightgetdownvoted


‘When you realise the dogs are fighting over a stuffed animal that looks just like you’

Source Reddit u/AdmiralTallywacker

The post appeared first on The Poke.

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