Weekend Hot Topic, part 1: Most anticipated video games of 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 screenshot
Cyberpunk 2077 – an obvious favourite (pic: CD Projekt)

GameCentral readers reveal the games they’re most looking forward to this year, from Spider-Man: Miles Morales to Star Wars: Squadrons.

The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Ollie, who wanted to know what games you’re planning to get from now until Christmas. Do you already have a plan (and a budget) or does it all depend on the next generation console announcements?

Although this year’s line-up has been greatly impacted by the coronavirus, and a lot the next gen plans remain obscured, we still had plenty of different suggestions, even if Cyberpunk 2077 was the clear favourite.

One and only
My most anticipated game of 2020 is Cyberpunk 2077 and alongside Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is currently my only anticipated game of 2020. Hopefully a Nintendo Direct will rectify that soon and will announce something beyond Mario remakes.

I do not really have a gaming plan as it will depend on whether or not I still have a job at the end of the year. If I do then I will most likely buy one of the new consoles and possibly a 4K TV. The PlayStation 5 is currently the most likely due to there being more announced exclusives that interest me, although that is essentially because Microsoft has yet to tell us what they have in the pipeline, so it might change.

If I do lose my job then I might buy Cyberpunk for my PlayStation 4 if it reviews exceptionally well but will primarily focus on backlog and PS Plus titles, which I probably have enough of to last a few years.

GC: Best of luck with the job.

Quite the mouthful
After a month in Japan in December, and discovering the Gundam Vs. games in the arcades, the only game I’ve been looking forward to this year is Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS. MaxiBoost ON.

The 2v2 battles and 187 mobile suits to choose from is just epic and they all play differently. I’d recommend everyone at least try it, as there’s a free open access version on PlayStation Store and its open to everyone every weekend until the release date on the 30th July.

Have you played the game at all GC and will you be reviewing it?

The only other game I’m looking forward to this year is Cyberpunk 2077 but was a bit miffed when they announced they were changing it first person only.

GC: We’ve played previous entries, but always struggled to get into them.

Default choice
This is a tricky question because between the general lack of new games coming out this year and the fact that so few have been give release dates there’s not really much to choose between. I’d like to say something for the PlayStation 5, which I intend to get this year, but I can’t pretend I’m all that excited about Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales once I found out it was just a standalone expansion.

Call Of Duty hasn’t been announced, so I can’t say that, and I’m not sure whether Overwatch 2 or Elden Ring are meant to be out this year either. I assume not, as nothing has been said about them since they were announced, but nobody seems to know for sure.

It’s hard to be hyped when you don’t even know what there is to be looking forward, so I guess I’ll just default to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and say that. I have enjoyed the last couple of Assassin’s Creed games so was naturally interested in this, although I am a bit wary about its authenticity, what with all the magic and the invading Vikings somehow not being painted as the bad guys.

E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk

Potential excitement
Since there’s so little choice this year (really, what a terrible year!) I’m going to say the 3D Super Mario masters. I really am looking forward to them a lot. Or rather I’m really hoping the rumours are true. Everything points towards it though, especially given all the 35th anniversary items and the fact that the Paper Mario rumour from the same source panned out.

Super Mario 64 is such an important, groundbreaking game but most younger gamers will probably never have heard of it and even those who do will probably have forgotten about it. Even Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 was a long time ago now and those games need to be held up as the masterpieces they are.

I’m perhaps most interested in Super Mario Sunshine though, as that was always very flawed. It was basically unfinished and rushed out, so if Nintendo took the time to finish it properly that would be amazing. Except I bet they don’t. I don’t think they would want to acknowledge that one of their games was that bad that it needed fixing completely and that’s a shame, as it could become the most interesting remake of them all.

Excitement pending
While I haven’t bought any brand new triple-A games for a long time, there are quite a few in your release date schedule that I really do want to get.

Firstly, it’s Marvel’s Avengers, which looks exactly like the game I’ve imagined playing ever since the first Avengers movie was released back in 2012. I am hoping there’s a stage where you can kind of recreate the battle of New York from Avengers Assemble (I know it’s not set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but hey ho).

Then it’s Star Wars Squadrons, which is due out on October 2nd (which isn’t on your list for some reason?). I really hope this turns out well and if it’s anything like the VR mission from Battlefront it will be brilliant.

Finally, it’s Cyberpunk 2077 which looks incredible. Honestly, to me even if the gameplay turns out to be lacking, it won’t matter as I think the world of the game itself has already sold it to me. The influence of films such as Blade Runner, Ghost In The Shell, and so on make it such an exciting prospect.

Obviously, some of these potential purchases depend on your – and a few other – reviews.

The main problems I’ll have are finding the time to play them all and getting the funds to buy them in the first place!
TrevorMcFurr (gamertag/PSN ID)

GC: That is a shameful oversight on our part, with Star Wars: Squadron. Oh, look it’s out the same day as Crash Bandicoot 4. How do companies get themselves into these positions?

Less obvious choice
There’s probably more obvious choice, like Cyberpunk 2077, but I’m slightly wary of that game as it seems very try-hard. What really impressed me the last time I saw it though was Deathloop by Arkane Studios.

It seemed to have a really cool premise and attitude and I’d much rather see something experimental like that than just another Call Of Duty or whatever. We’ve not heard much about it all year though so I worry if it’s going to be delayed.

Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Always in motion is the future
This year is a weird one for me because what I end up looking forward to most will be contingent on a whole bunch of factors that we’ve yet to determine.

I’d be really interested in a Super Mario 3D Collection but that interest might subside a good bit if it turns out Super Mario Galaxy 2 isn’t included. I feel like it’s realistically going to be Super Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy 1, with 3D World coming as a separate port.

If that’s the case, the arbitrary 35th anniversary angle is probably not just about building hype but also to pass this all off as a fully intentional coordinated campaign rather than a slight embarrassment of ports and remasters thrown out as a stalling tactic. If this really is their big game this year (and at this stage I can’t imagine they’ve got a brand new killer app in the pipeline for 2020) then I’d hope they show a bit of humility and make it a shockingly good value Orange Box style package with all of the above, plus Galaxy 2. Or give the option of picking up each one separately on the eShop.

I’d be really interested in Cyberpunk 2077 but the previews have made it all seem really obnoxious, with awful clichéd characters and dialogue. The game doesn’t seem to know when to just shut up and stop being so in your face. Plus, I didn’t get on with The Witcher 3 so, for me, CD Projekt Red still have a lot to prove in terms of delivering enjoyable gameplay that goes beyond just activating detective mode, some Watch Dogs style hacking, an overwhelming number of map icons and convoluted menus, and some semi-competent gunplay.

I’d be really, really interested in Elden Ring but I think that’ll be a 2021 game at this point and I probably shouldn’t even be mentioning it as part of this topic. My hope is we at least get to see it next week at Microsoft’s Xbox event.

Realistically, the game I end up caring about the most is probably going to be something that isn’t even on anyone’s radar right now, kind of like how Outer Wilds turned up and impressed me so much last year when my attention had been on other more hyped titles, that I won’t go into, that ended up disappointing a bit.

GC: We keep forgetting Elden Ring is even a thing. Unless it’s at Microsoft event on Thursday there doesn’t seem any chance it’ll be out this year.

E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk

The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

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