Games Inbox: Summer 2020 video game picks, Ghost Of Tsushima day one patch, and Dr Disrespect ban

Ghost Of Tsushima screenshot
Ghost Of Tsushima – another summer hit? (pic: Sony)

The Monday Inbox continues the discussion over The Last Of Us Part 2 trolls, as one reader enjoys EA Access on the cheap.

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Summer gaming
I’m currently enjoying a really entertaining streak of new releases. It started with The Last Of Us Part 2m which while not perfect was a highly entertaining 28 hour emotional roller coaster. I’m going through a leisurely second play through for trophies.

I picked up perspective puzzler Supeliminal for PlayStation 4 the other day, it’s been on PC a while. While not really anywhere near as good as games it’s trying to ape, like Portal, in either the puzzle or script department it was still a thoroughly enjoyable and at times mind bending seven-ish hours. I have spectacularly average intelligence and I only got caught out on one puzzle for an extended period so it’s not a super tough game.

Thanks to Game Pass I’ve just started CrossCode, which so far is brilliant. The music, characters, combat, and puzzles so far have been super. I’m trying to get in as much as possible before this Friday when I will start on Ghost Of Tsushima. I wasn’t going to go for this one but the focus on exploration and references to Zelda: Breath Of The Wild and the fact a Sony first party exclusive has nether failed to be anything but great in recent times I pre-ordered it. Hot on the heels after that on the 23rd of July is Carrion, courtesy of Game Pass again.

I’m glad after that the next game that piques my interest is Cyberpunk 2077 on the 19th of November, as the current wealth of good releases has done chipping away at my back catalogue no good whatsoever. I did manage to fit in the Devolver Direct 20202 show though which was a hoot.

GC: Whatever else you say about 2020 it has probably had the best June and July for new releases in as long as we can remember. It’s the other 10 months that are a problem. We’re not sure why you wouldn’t just wait for the reviews on Ghost Of Tsushima though.

Gold plus
I’m getting a bit fed up with game studios making a big fuss about when their games go gold because what does it really mean nowadays!?

Take Ghost Of Tsushima, I read that it’s day one patch is the best part of 8GB of ‘localisation fixes and bug fixes’, it’s not adding stuff it’s just fixing problems.

I know I’m in a minority here, but I don’t have broadband so if I buy this game I’m getting a game with potentially a lot of problems.

Digital only
I am also very much looking forward to the Sega Astro City Mini console. I really hope it also includes Last Bronx, Fighting Vipers, Die Hard Arcade/Dynamite Deka, Athlete Kings, and Baku Baku Animal (to name a few).

However, there is almost no chance of it having any of Sega’s driving/flying games on as they all require analogue controls.

Perhaps they will make a second version dedicated to these?

I really hope they do release it in the West, otherwise I will have to import one.

Also, I can see that Smyths are now taking pre-orders for the Arcade1Up Mortal Kombat 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Star Wars arcade machines! It says they are out in August.

I have always wanted an arcade machine and was a massive fan of Mortal Kombat 2, so I may just have to invest in one.
StevenskiChan (PSN ID)

GC: Darn, that’s a good point about those Sega games.

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Complicated story
If there’s any game that deserves turning into a film it’s The Last of Us Part 2. It’d save us for having to go through the same interminable routines over and over again. I was enjoying it but the hunting for bullets and bits and pieces and the stealth gameplay is really starting to grate.

The best story ever for a video game? Probably. A classic video game? If the principal thing that distinguishes video games from other media forms counts for much, absolutely not. At best average. 7/10 overall.

But I keep on thinking while playing it how much better it would be with the game mechanics of Resident Evil 4. Perhaps there’s a Hot Topic in thinking about how games might be improved with the addition of story, game mechanics, etc. of another, the hybrids readers would like to see, etc.

GC: We can completely understand this line of thinking. But how does your argument account for something like What Remains Of Edith Finch? That game has virtually no gameplay, so is the problem with The Last Of Us that the gameplay is merely competent or that there’s just too much of it?

Bad people
Thanks for posting my feature this weekend, I’ve really enjoyed reading the discussions it prompted and the comments were all reasonable and interesting.

I was also able to go back and read The Last Of Us Part 2 spoiler review you’d written, which I’d had to ignore at the time and then forgotten about. Really enjoyable read and then I read some of the comments and sure enough there were allegations that GC had had to pander to Sony with a positive review in order to get review codes. There was also another commenting that the game was full of ‘woke political pandering’.

What a bizarrely divisive game The Last of Us Part 2 has become and what strange responses it’s provoking! I wonder how it will be thought of in a few years. I suspect it will be looked upon much more positively especially when Part 3 comes out and places it into greater context.

In the meantime, I think I’m just going to enjoy my games and avoid the internet (GC aside) as much as possible!
Chris Dunwoody

GC: A lot of it is people being emotionally attached to Joel and Ellie, which we found find very odd as Joel was always a terrible person and Ellie was clearly always going to end up the same way. They weren’t heroes.

Disrespectful conduct
RE: Dr Disrespect. Best thing that could of happened, him getting banned. He never gave any respect to any of his viewers unless they tipped. Never did any shoutouts and was obsessed with being two times champ from Blockbusters, that these days half of the kids won’t even know.

The guy was a big fake that only cared about money and not the people that followed him, so hopefully now he win have a change of heart and have more respect.

I used to call him out on it all the time and got barred from his Twitch for speaking the truth.

Would like to play
So I took advantage of the 79p EA Access offer on Xbox One, and I’m looking to play A Way Out. It can only be played in co-op with someone on your friends list.

I enjoyed the makers’ previous game Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons, so I think it looks interesting.

As I really don’t like competitive multiplayer I’ve avoided online friends lists, so I’m sending this request. It looks like the other person doesn’t need the game, as long as they have Xbox Live Gold.
FearingSneeze27 (gamertag)

Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here

Blame Donald
Interesting reader’s feature on The Last of Us 2 this weekend, but I feel I have to address the fact that they tried to blame people who are against ‘wokeness’ on Donald Trump fans, which I personally feel is rather silly and unfair.

I personally don’t think that developers have shoehorned in minorities or LGBTQ characters into video games (I see The Last Of Us Part 2 getting grief for that, which is nonsense as Ellie was heavily hinted at being gay way back in the first game) but I’ve definitely noticed that in other media – especially TV – and find it rather insulting personally.

As a member of the LGBTQ community myself I’ve wanted more inclusion in media seemingly forever but have noticed many companies jumping on the pro-LGBTQ bandwagon as of the last few years and it all seems so fake to me and seems like a ploy to get the ‘gay pound/dollar’ which is incredibly skeevy.

I said earlier that I don’t feel gaming had shoehorned characters in but companies are definitely capitalising, by including pride skins for characters as an example, which would be great if they’d been doing it years ago before it was considered financially safe to do so.

Obviously, there are absolutely bigots in the gaming scene but to just label anyone against performative ‘wokeness’ to be a Trump supporter is actually pretty harmful and insulting. I’d love to do an in-depth Reader’s Feature about this myself as there’s points I’ve not even touched upon.

Inbox also-rans
So Ubisoft Forward was another not-E3 dud. How completely boring. Did anyone really want another Far Cry at this point?

Licensed tie-ins that will never happen. I’d like to see a Columbo game that would probably play like L.A. Noire. Carry On Grand Theft Auto would also work for me.

GC: How do we donate to your Kickstarter?

This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Ollie who simply asks what 2020 game are you most looking forward to in the second half of the year?

The year’s over half done now, so what games are you planning to get from now until Christmas? Do you already have a plan (and a budget) or does it all depend on the next generation console announcements? How many more games do you expect to buy this year, in total?

Our release schedule lists the confirmed dates of most major titles but there’s also others without a date yet, such as Call Of Duty 2020, Halo Infinite, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Deathloop, and the rumoured Super Mario remasters (which we’ll treat as real for the purposes of this Hot Topic).

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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE: Weekend Hot Topic, part 1: The best video game story

MORE: Weekend Hot Topic, part 2: The best video game story

MORE: Games Inbox: Nintendo Switch 2 release date, Halo Infinite exclusivity, and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey apathy

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