The Friday Inbox pits Marvel’s Avengers versus Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, as one reader is wowed by the ending of The Last Of Us Part 2.
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Waiting for the next gen
Cyberpunk 2077 looks amazing, as usual, but I still don’t understand CD Projekt’s approach to the next gen. The game is coming out right at the same time, it could even come out after for all we know at the moment, and yet we’ve got to wait until next year for the proper next gen versions. I know that the developers are up against it, and the game only just got delayed again, but they never seemed to have any attention of making it next gen even before coronavirus.
For such an important game I’d much rather play the next gen version from the start, rather than having my memories of it soured by what will no doubt be frame rate and other performance issues. The obvious answer is to just wait but… I can’t. I’ve been waiting for it for so long already and it just looks too good. Even on current gen (which I’m not sure we’ve seen so much as a clip of yet.)
I was going to type that I wish they’d just delay it and they’d all come out at the same time, but I’ll be honest that’s a lie. I’ll just wish that no delay was necessary and buy it on PlayStation 4 anyway.
Next gen Sonic
So what is everyone expecting from the new Sonic The Hedgehog game? It’s been a long time since they announced it and usually they just knock these things out with very little care, so that kind of suggests it’s going to be a bigger effort? Or am I already being too optimistic.
What I’d like to see the game be is more like the fan games with the big open worlds, where you can afford to go superfast for a long time and there’s not too much to get in your way, but you can try and complete more traditional platforming obstacles if you’re up for it.
A few years ago I would’ve suggested just doing another Sonic Adventure game but I think the whole formula for that is flawed. It’s too cramped and small, not really like a Sonic game at all. Sonic should be about massive, complicated levels where you can go really fast. Not small mini-games and wandering around talking to people.
Obviously, at this point I have little hope of anything good but I’d like to imagine a quality next gen Sonic is possible and that Sega still has it in them to make it.
Never forget
I just beat The Last Of Us Part 2 and all I can say is wow! The ending isn’t a big twist like the first one, but it hit me a lot harder because of what happened and having been with the characters for so long. I agree with all of GC’s criticisms of the game but also agree that they don’t spoil it in any serious way.
Fairly early on I was just appalled at the things Ellie was doing and as someone else has already said, I find the idea of anyone empathising with her beyond a very surface level kind of disturbing.
Ellie is a terrible person and so are most of her friends. Kudos to Naughty Dog for making a game that has such memorable and believable characters. I’m not sure how much I ‘enjoyed’ it but I certainly won’t forget it in a hurry.
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Magic solution
I never liked that Shawn Layden when he was in charge of Sony America but I have to say I agreed with everything he said about modern AAA games being unsustainable. A lot of us have bene talking about this for a while now and it’s so obvious: the time and money keeps going up but the amount they cost is the same.
Now, I’m not advocating for making games more expensive but if we don’t do that then something else has to change. It cannot go on like this and handwaving it away by pretending there’s some magic software solution is just silly. Even if things somehow were magically the same next gen it’s still too much.
There is no need for something Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Last Of Us Part 2 to be as long as they are, at least in terms of story. The plot was padded to hell and back in Red Dead Redemption 2 and it sounds like it’s a similar story for The Last Of Us. By all means have a big open world but there’s no need to have the campaign go on for that long.
I’m sure no one will take notice though and by the end of the generation we’ll be left with even less games than ever, where a single one failing can mean the end of a company.
Modern hero
I do think some people will be surprised by how big Halo Infinite proves to be. The game may have slipped of many people’s radar in recent years but I think it’s obvious that they’re going all out with the new game and realise this is do or die in terms of keeping Halo as a big hitter.
But people do still care, so I’m not surprised to find that teaser about The Banished has had so many people looking at it, even though I imagine very few have ever played Halo Wars 2 enough to really know who they are.
I know we’re all hoping/expecting Microsoft to announce a bunch of first party games next month but if Halo Infinite is the only one out at launch I’m not so sure that’s going to happen. Maybe they’ll do Hellblade 2 and Forza, but I can easily see them leaving Fable to later. That means a huge focus on Halo Infinite and I think and hope it will be justified.
As an old school fan it’ll be great to have Master Chief back as an iconic video game star again, instead of just a retro hero.
Different games
I haven’t read any in-depth articles regarding the gameplay to Marvel’s Avengers, but it sounds very similar to the Marvel Ultimate Alliance series of games, namely the modern day scrolling beat ‘em-up with light role-playing game elements for levelling up and upgrading your character.
Apart from the difference in art style, are there any other major differences?
ttfp saylow (gamertag)
Now playing: Yakuza 0 and Animal Crossing: New Horizons
GC: Marvel’s Avengers is a third person action game with combat by the guy that did the God Of War reboot. The similarities are largely superficial. Here’s our hands-on from last year.
Solar power
By Amaterasu it’s damned hot! The sun goddess really working overtime at the moment! Even playing something as low key as Disgaea (yes, I’m still on the fourth one) is incredibly draining! And my reserves are already pretty low.
Basically, everything is on fire. Shall I take out the Disgaea 4 disc and play something else? Oh no! I can’t! My PlayStation 4 is on fire! Also, the disc is on fire. My controllers? They’re on fire. The Switch? It too is on fire. The television is on fire, my clothes are on fire, my hair is on fire. Everything-is-on-fire.
Perhaps I shall just lay here and let myself smoulder and melt into dribbly stuff…
Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here
Pushing it
I do get what they’re doing but I still can’t believe that Microsoft have just come out and said they won’t have any Xbox Series X exclusives for possibly two years. Like your story said, how are they going to prove how powerful the console is if no game is really pushing it?
I don’t care how optimised they are, it’s never going to show the console off to its full potential and that’s just plain weird. I’ve already seen the comparison shoots for Gears 5 and the new optimised version and the differences are miniscule.
I don’t mean to have a go at Microsoft as I’m a big fan of what they’re doing with Game Pass but lately all their decisions seem to be either really good or really dumb, no middle ground. I have this nasty feel they’re pushing the whole Project xCloud ‘death to console generations’ thing too fast and it’s not going to connect with a lot of problem.
The basic problem with streaming, that people’s broadband isn’t fast enough, hasn’t gone away and neither has the fact that people buy consoles for games. And my Halo playing/buying days are well behind me.
Inbox also-rans
I used to love Star Wars Episode I: Racer so even if they haven’t changed the graphics much I’ll probably get it. Republic Commando is the best prequel game though. Truth fact. I always wished they’d an Imperial Commando as a sequel, but it never happened.
Seems like everyone is hating on Pokémon Unite now. Can’t say I’m surprise or upset, game looks like a really nasty cash grab and I can’t believe they wasted a whole Nintendo Direct on it, even if it was a short one.
This week’s Hot Topic
The question for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Cranston, who asks what’s the hardest game you’ve ever beaten?
What game are you most proud of beating and is it one that’s generally regarded as difficult or just your own personal nemesis? What made the game so difficult for you and how did you overcome it? Did you look for help online and how much time did it take before you beat it?
Are there any games you’ve given up on because they’re too hard and how do you generally feel about difficulty and the level of challenge you’re comfortable with in a game?
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The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.
You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.
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MORE: Games Inbox: The Last Of Us Part 2 vs. 1, Crash Bandicoot 4 reaction, and PlayStation Now problems
MORE: Games Inbox: PS5 size dimensions, The Last Of Us Part 2 fans, and Jump Rope Challenge love
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