Father Ted co-creator Graham Linehan suspended from Twitter after tweeting ‘men aren’t women’ in reply to transgender Pride post

Graham Linehan
Linehan has been suspended from Twitter (Picture: Getty)

Graham Linehan has been suspended from Twitter.

Last week, the Father Ted co-creator briefly lost his blue tick verification after several of his tweets accusing an LGBTQ+ group of grooming were reported; however, he later regained his verification and a Twitter spokesperson said he had been unverified in error.

But now, Linehan’s @glinner account appears to have been suspended entirely.

On his account, a message from Twitter reads that accounts that violate the Twitter rules will be suspended.

Metro.co.uk has contacted a representative for Twitter for comment. 

The suspension comes after the writer reportedly tweeted ‘Men aren’t women tho’ in response to a Women’s Institute post, wishing a happy Pride to all of their transgender members.

In the wake of the suspension, Linehan appeared to post about it on Mumsnet in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Glinner suspended
The Glinner account can no longer be searched

In a post purported to be from the 52-year-old, he wrote in the ‘feminism chat’ thread: ‘Im really sorry to barge in on you Mumsnetters with my problems, but I’ve finally been suspended from Twitter and I have a feeling they’re either going to ban me or just take my verified tick. I’ve submitted an appeal with Twitter and the Better Business Bureau but I thought I’d post here too so people knew what was going on.

‘Recently, I keep getting locked out of my account and forced to delete tweets to get back in. The latest tactic by trans rights activists is to run a search for any time Ive used the word “groomer”, a phrase Twitter recently decided was Not Allowed.

‘This was not a violation of Twitter’s ToS at the time I used the phrase, and I have been careful to avoid it since. I still use the word “grooming” in various permutations because I believe that gender ideology is a form of societal grooming. It is a very real threat to the wellbeing of women and children and if our ability to name a threat is removed, it is even more difficult to  fight that threat.’

He continued to claim that ‘Canadian feminist’ Meghan Murphy had her Twitter account removed after she misgendered somebody, although ‘her crime against Twitter’s Terms of Service was not actually an offence at the time she committed it’.

Linehan wrote: ‘She probably never thought she could be banned from the public square fror uttering the words “that’s him”. But that’s Twitter.

Graham Linehan
The Father Ted creator takes issue with trans rights activists (Picture: Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)

The star, who also wrote The IT Crowd, went on to claim that Twitter has a ‘high percentage of trans-identified employees’ and ‘for some time has been silencing feminists and their allies who run afoul of its absurd “misgendering” policies. The one good thing about my situation is that Im in great company – Claire Graham, Meghan Murphy, Skylar Gwynn, Miranda Yardley, GNC Centric and many more, important feminist and critical voices who have been silenced for fighting a dangerous ideology that tells children it’s possible to be born into the wrong body.”

Linehan concluded his post: ‘Anyway, that’s what’s happening. Please let people know it’s entirely down to malicious reporting from the usual suspects and please keep watching my YouTube channel and visiting my depressing blog. I’ll also be available on Glindr if people from Twiitter want to re-establish contact there.’

He then linked to his YouTube channel, his blog and also his own social networking site Glindr. 

The post has now been hidden on the thread after it was inundated with replies – some supporting Linehan, and others calling him out.

Over the past number of years, Linehan has become known for his tweets against transgender rights activism, and in late 2018, he compared trans activists to Nazis. 

Katie Hopkins
Katie Hopkins was recently suspended too (Picture: Joshua Blanchard/Getty Images for Politicon)

And in a 2019 interview in which he denied being transphobic, he said: ‘Your sex is not assigned, your sex is observed and recorded. I follow a lot of intersex people on Twitter, and they are sick of being weaponised in this way by the ideology. Even they believe that sex is observed, not assigned.  

‘I do [believe in gender dysphoria] and it’s a very serious thing, but the current widening of the definition actually puts these people in danger. Real transexuals will not receive the help they need because they are being flooded by all sorts of different types.’

He recently defended JK Rowling, who came under fire for claiming that same-sex attraction was erased by transgender people.  

Linehan tweeted: ‘People who parrot meaningless meme-speak like “Trans rights are human rights” (who says they aren’t? No-one) while ignoring the abuse received by women who speak out against gender ideology… you have no use. You are literally useless.’ 

And on his most recent blog post, he argued that ‘trans people are not losing any rights’ due to government plans to roll back self-identification laws, as well as claiming Marsha P Johnson was not a trans woman and calling her ‘he’. 

His suspension comes after Katie Hopkins’ account on Twitter was permanently suspended, with a statement from the site reading: ‘Keeping Twitter safe is a top priority for us – abuse and hateful conduct have no place on our service and we will continue to take action when our Rules are broken. 

‘In this case, the account has been permanently suspended for violations of our Hateful Conduct policy.’

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